Chapter Two

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Kata's POV:
Peter asked far too many questions, some were "Where are you from" to which I was about respond angrily but that is not very 'Katie' of me so I smiled whilst replying Russia. We had finally arrived at the crappy school and holy fuck there was lots of smiley faces and laughter, in the Red Room if you smiled or laughed then see you in hell. I was given my timetable and locker number and combination. I went to my locker and placed my books in there neatly.

First I had mathematics, apparently it was the shittiest lesson. Upon entering, I attempted to just walk to the back next to a girl who appeared to be half decent. But no, the teacher asked me to tell the class about myself. I would punch her but that is not allowed.

Instead, my response was "Hello, my name is Katie and I am from Russia." The teacher pointed for me to sit at the back next to some MJ, ahhh she was the half decent girl and thankfully Peter and another boy he appeared to be friends with were in front of me.

Turns out maths really is the shittiest lesson, next we had English which is rather pointless I mean everybody here can speak English so why need a lesson on it?

I take it back English is far superior to maths, we got to write stories! I felt like an actual teenager. Granted it was hard at first to use my imagination but once I started I couldn't stop.

Now it was break and with no friends I went to sit on my own but I heard Parker call my name.

Peter Parker's POV:
I saw Katie on her way to sit alone, so I called her over, but what if she says no or gets mad oh god. Huh suppose I was over- thinking again, Katie sat next to MJ, opposite me.

"Umm hi" Katie said with a nervous smile. "Hi", "Hey" and "Sup" were the responses from me, Ned and MJ. "So how you finding America. I'm Ned by the way". "America is good, it's very different but good" the Russian replied. Ok now hopefully we have a new friend.

The bell rang signalling the end of break me and Ned had double maths and we were working in a computer room but MJ and Katie had science. Damn I love science.

In maths my brain couldn't get Katie out of my head. Something felt different whenever she was near.

I was probably just nervous I mean she was really pretty. The bell pulled me out of my thoughts as we headed to the gym, me and Ned were planning on building the death star lego set tomorrow because I have Spider-Man duties. We had to do cross country today, Katie was doing pretty well.

Just the end of this and then I was heading to the avengers tower. P.E finished so me and Ned left the changing room. "Hey so uh Pete you like Katie huh?" Ned said randomly. "What?! No, uh maybe, I don't know" I rambled feeling my cheeks getting red. "Well she's right there" Ned replied with a smirk. I saw Katie walking to the flats and as much as I would love to walk next to her, I had a meeting with Mr. Stark and I didn't want to upset him.

Kata's POV:
As I left the school I noticed Peter Parker and Ned walking, but Peter was walking the wrong way to get to the flats. My red room instinct said to follow him and so I did, well spied on him.

Eventually the boy arrived, by himself at the avengers tower. I left and headed towards the flats, I didn't really have another choice, I couldn't exactly waltz in there and take Natalia back. The world clearly was not on my side as the rain poured down soaking me. I managed to get to the flat and opened the door to Mary cleaning the kitchen, she saw me enter and smiled before asking "How was your day?" "We are not in public, drop the act" I stated with anger lacing my words. "What do you mean? This isn't an act" she replied confused.

Oh please. Like anybody associated with the Red Room can be that nice, not wanting to deal with her bullshit I walked to my room and began dancing, to help take my mind off of the interesting day, after a few hours I packed away my ballet shoes and entered the kitchen.

I smelt food, so I followed the scent that led me to the kitchen, I saw Mary cooking food. I went to get some bread and water but Mary stopped me. "Come on, there is two portions" she said softly as though she cared. I sat with her and saw the chicken and rice, sure for most people that would be basic but for me it was heaven on earth. I shoved the food in my mouth and placed the plate into the sink.

I went to the bathroom and my head was swarmed with thoughts about what life would be like if I was normal. Who are my parents, do they care about me? Do they even know I exist? I pulled myself out my trance and stared at myself, inspecting all my features before spitting my toothpaste in the sink. I headed into my room and took off my clothes before shoving on an oversized white t-shirt, I turned off the bedside lamp and crawled the covers. I allowed my body to drift into the heavenly world of unconsciousness.

I heard an alarm that brought me out of my dream of my perfect little life. Reluctantly I stretched and got up out of the comfy bed, choosing a pale pink short sleeve top with a pair of jeans that held my knife and gun, I slipped a jumper over the top. I slung my backpack over my shoulder and headed out the door to meet Peter.

Peter Parker's POV:
I headed outside to meet with Katie, she walked out and her emerald eyes met with my hazel ones, I offered a small smile which she returned and we headed to school. We caught the bus and got off and Flash almost hit us with his car "Hey Penis Parker" he sped away and I blushed out of embarrassment. "What an asshole" Katie said matter of factly, I nodded my head in agreement before we headed into the school.

"See you later" the brunette girl said to me as we parted ways for first and second period. "Yeah, bye" I managed to get out before being dragged away by Ned and his shit-eating grin. "Your in love" Ned told me in a singsong voice. "N-no way" I replied. I can't be in love with a girl I just met and beside somethings off about her, it's probably just me being paranoid.

Time skip to break :)
I met up with Katie after second period. We chatted about our different lessons, I was slightly out of it because I was having an internal debate wether or not I should ask her out. Before I knew it the bell rang signifying the end of break. We headed to science, my favourite subject, its a shame it went by so fast. We then headed to maths.

I was falling asleep because miss was droning on and on, she asked a question to which Flash answered wrong, miss then asked me I got it right despite not paying attention and Flash whispered "your dead". Katie stared at him with a cold glare, as a thanks I offered a small smile to which she did the same. The bell rang and so we headed for lunch, we sat together with Ned and MJ.

The bell rang for lessons, me and Katie had art with MJ. We entered the art room and were told to paint the ocean with a person involved in the painting. We had double art and so I managed to finish my project. My painting was the waves crashing over a person, MJ had a person coming out of the waves like a god. Katie's however was by far the most interesting, it was like you could see the hurt in the person's eyes, hers was a person with bloodied ballet shoes dancing on the sand with their torn pure white dress torn and floating. It conveyed so much pain and suffering, I couldn't help but wonder if that was her life.

I was yanked out of my thoughts by the harsh sound of the bell, I was heading to the exit when I felt myself get shoved, looking up I met Flash's eyes I quickly looked down again. He shoved me once more before sauntering off with his friends.

"Peter! You ok?" I heard Katie's voice. "Uhh yup I uh I'm all good" I stuttered before turning red from embarrassment. We headed home talking, I felt safe with Katie, I felt happy.

Kata's POV:
We separated at our apartment door. The minute I entered Mary was in my face holding a phone. I saw the contact and heard the eerie ringtone, I gulped and steadied my breathing before taking it from Mary and answering.

"Привет Дрейков" (Hello Dreykov).

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