Chapter 1- The First Meet

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Evania's pov:

Ugh bru, I have to go to school today bru I really don't want to but I have to ykykyk. Ugh, DAD!!!!!!!! My father replied to me in an angry tone and said "What the fuck is it this time Evania?!"
I calmly replied "I need you to take me to school like you do everyday bru" He replied, "What did you just call me? BRU?" "Fuck you, youre walking today." Bru I was so fucking mad with my bitch gay father ugh.

After that I walked to school and I obviously saw Saanvi and Abrianna my besties. The bell had already rang and I went to class only to see.. TRISTYN? Ugh bru his just so annoying and I hate him like alot ugh. Anyways now I had to deal with this bitch K Sewpersadh. As I was in class she litterally took my lipgloss and said "You're too small to be wearing all this." like woman who the fuck asked you? I hate this woman bru. Anyway after it was break. I was laughing with Bre because she made like a really funny joke and I was laughing like "BAHAHAHAH" And I wasn't quite looking where I was walking and I bumped into this tall, skinny, cute nerd. I was litterally gonna faint and then he said "Hey cutie, what's your name?" My face became flustered and I couldn't find the words to say so Neha said, "Her name is Evania and you?" He said "Dang, shy and quiet. I like that" I said "Bru I am not quiet, I'm litterally one of the fucking boys" The boy replied, "Dang alright, stern and fiesty. I like that too. "By the way, my name is Riley but you can call me Randa or Ron." I just kept quiet and he said "Call me sometime xoxo"

Anyways bru after that I was litterally so excited because BRU HE WAS JUST SO CUTE. Anyways we had S Pillay now ugh this woman is really a devil because she gave me a sum and I couldn't solve it bru she asked me how much half of 1000 kg would be. Like bru what does she think I am, some kind of fucking scientist? Everyone laughed at me because I didn't know but ugh I don't care as long as I have my number one, I'm good.

It was then second break, and I bumped into Riley again. I said, "O-oh hey bru" Riley said "Hm, greeting me like I'm your "bru"?" I said "U-u-uhm no d-dadd- I mean Ron" Riley blushed and looked away and Jorde said "Ekse what's your problem why you like this black girl she looks like one of the africans." I swear to God, I got so mad I fucking punched Jorde in his face so hard that he fell to the floor and D Rampersadh came to fight him with me and she turned into karate kid but K Naaido had to ruin everything by stopping us. Ugh this one is like K sewpersadh's sister bru.


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