Chapter 2

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Fifteen years later.

At the ports of Steinland, merchant ships come in to dock, bringing in new supplies and other exotic materials from other lands.

While crew members unload their cargo a man in a grayish robe pays the captain in silver and departs the ship.

The robed stranger approaches the nearest merchant stand.

"May I help you?" The proprietor asked.

The stranger mysteriously pulls back his hood.

"Is this Steinland?"

The dealer pulled the cigar from his mouth in open adoration.

"Yes, and if you head north about two miles you will reach the Kingdom of Fortentia."

"Fortentia? I must go to Fortentia," he whispered cryptically, "and speak to the King."

The merchant laughed out loud. "You won't be able to see the King today.

"Why not?" The cloaked stranger demanded quietly.

"Because, he is planning his son's birthday celebration."

The Merchant saw a look of eagerness on the stranger's face, before he hid the expression behind a mask of indifference.

"Look, before you say anything, I know someone who has a lodge, and has rooms available. Why don't you stay there, and in the morning I will take you to the gates."

The stranger sighs. "That will suffice. I am a little tired from the long voyage, but first you must give me something of great importance, so I will be sure you come for me."

The seller grinned, sticking out his hand. "Look, I will come for you. My name is Rüss," he added, his hand suspended toward the man waiting for him to shake.

The stranger shook his hand. "My name is Onyx."

"Ahhh, and do you like to drink Onyx?"

Onyx, with a big smile on his face nods. "Of course, who doesn't?"

"Good then. Get yourself settled. Later I will take you to the best tavern in town," he said with a sly smile.


In the Kingdom of Fortentia, King Solomon prepares a birthday celebration for his son, Herald.

As the King is looking over the decorations his young Prince enters the hall.

"My Son, are you excited for today?"

"Yes Father!" The Prince exclaimed.

The King hugged his son tightly. "You have grown up so fast my son. I am so proud of you. One day you will make a fine King."

Footsteps echo through the chamber leading the King and Prince to look towards the entrance. Zorian, the
Kings most trusted knight walks into the chamber.

Approaching the King he bows. "Your Majesty, the guests are arriving. Many have traveled from distant lands and Kingdoms to join the festivities. They have brought exotic gifts and fare for the celebration."

King Solomon nods appreciatively. "Excellent Zorian. Please welcome them in so we can start the celebration."

As the party progresses King Solomon gazes towards the dance floor watching everyone enjoying themselves. After hours of revelry the time is growing late and finally the tired guests begin to depart in small groups, returning to their rooms for the night.


As the new day dawns, the King sleepily sits on his throne from the long night. While he surveys the floor he notices a stirring at the entrance to the hall.

One of his agents is leaning toward the steward, whispering something in his ear.

King Solomon perks up as the steward walks toward him eagerly.

"Your Majesty. One of your agents has some urgent news that you should know."

The King beckons the young man to enter the great hall.

He approaches the throne and kneels before the King. "Your Majesty, we have brought in a traveler who claims to be conveying important news from the Gods."

"Get the traveler and bring him to the council chamber immediately."

King Solomon turned to the steward. "Summon my retinue and bring my son. He is of age and needs to learn the duties of a King," he added firmly.

The King departed to the council while the steward gathered the King's men.

Sitting at the head of the table the King waits with his closest advisors.

Entering the chamber the agent bows deeply. "Your majesty I present to you, Onyx of Uporia," he says with a wide sweep of his arm toward Onyx.

Following the agent is a man with a faded gray robe and hood pulled over his head. With a gray beard hanging close to his chest.

As Onyx approaches the table his staff clacks on the floor with every other step.

Stopping at the end of the table Onyx removed his hood and looked at the King with a garish scar upon his face from a long forgotten war.

"What are those markings on your staff?" King Solomon asked.

"Your Majesty, I am a medicine man.
These markings represent the potions that I know how to make. Either for healing, death or war."

"Welcome then, to the Kingdom of Fortentia," A council member greeted Onyx.

The King sat back on his throne. "Onyx, what business do you have here?"

"Your Majesty, for months I have been having visions and strange dreams. Of a map and a sword."

"Dreams you say?" The Prince asked.

Onyx looked around the table taking note of the expressions of confusion on their faces but before anyone could respond Onyx explained. "I have the map and the sword with me."

The young Prince stands. "Please, present the map and the sword. Lay them on the table."

Onyx unfolded the map and placed the sword on the table. The council surveyed the map and sword. King Solomon got up from his throne and walked around the table to see the map and sword up close. "Why is there a circle around Asborjn?"

Onyx looked at the King. "I don't know your Majesty. That is where I need to go."

The King walked to the sword and pulled it out of its scabbard. "This sword is from the Gods. See the gem? This is a Bronimir warrior's sword."

"In my dreams your Majesty, not only do I have these two items, but I am supposed to deliver that sword to someone."

A member of the council stood up. "Who is this person that you're supposed to deliver that sword too?"

Onyx surveyed the table. "Xander Kinvay. The person's name is Xander Kinvay."

"Did you say Kinvay?" The King asked with lifted brows.

"Aye, the very same." Onyx assured King Solomon.

The King put the sword back in its scabbard. "I have not heard that name in years."

"What do you mean, your Majesty?" Onyx asked.

"The Kinvay's died fifteen years ago. They were ambushed by Yetis."

Onyx looked down to the floor with disappointment. The chamber went quiet. "Did they perhaps have a child?"

The King looked around the table. "Yes. Yes, they did but I was told there were no survivors."

"Your Majesty I have to try. The Gods sent me all this way for a reason," Onyx stated with conviction.

King Solomon nodded. "Asborjn is a two day ride from here. Why don't you stay and you can leave in the morning with fresh supplies and a couple of horses. Do you like to drink Onyx?"

"That I do your Majesty."

"Well then let us feast!"

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