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Kim Corps
-6 pm-

The tall, to-die-for man walked amongst the halls and his hardworking coworkers as his destination was his office. All the girls fell inlove him, but wouldn't dare to say anything if it weren't an important document or emergency. But Namjoon didn't mind, as long as everyone got his money worth. Trust me..he didn't mind a single crush among his workers.

He made it to his office, closing the door shut and unbuttoned a few buttons off his shirt and sat in his moving chair. He didn't even touch the 'log in' button when his door was knocked on unannounced. Namjoon huffed to himself, sitting up straight. "Yes?!" The door opened, revealing Jungkook, one of the people who is allowed in without speaking at the door first. "Kook, what's up" "I'm failing!" Namjoon stood up alerted, his eyebrows furrowing.

"What are you talking about!?" "My dating life! It's gone wrong! All wrong!" Namjoon groaned, rolling his eyes as he sat back down, unamused. "Jungkook this is going on for months now - what happened to the last girl?" "Only here for sex" he hummed, expecting the answer. "Well don't sweat! It'll come, it'll be fate. Besides worry about what you're gonna be wearing tonight. Maybe your true love awaits there" Jungkook hummed, nodding. "I Guess..but that would be weird to meet the love of my life at a restaurant?" "But sometimes the right one can be in strange ways and places. That's why you should trust the process"

    Jungkook nodded, putting his hands up in defeat as he knew he was right. "Alright. I'm at the house" "don't forget we're leaving at 8" "gotchu" Jungkook left, leaving Namjoon to sigh as he leaned back in his chair. Namjoon had a feeling something good was gonna come tonight. And he was here for it.

Seoul Hospital


         "Alright Y/N, any self harm? The last 2 weeks?" Y/n shook her head as a 'no', making Chanyeol smile. "That's my girl. Any headache pills for overdose?" She also shook her head making his smile widen. "Good job. Your dials are looking good, let me give you this shot to stay sane" "how much longer until these shot appointments are over?" "You have 3 weeks left and then you're done! Be happy!" She rolled her eyes making Chanyeol chuckle before sticking the needle in her arm.

     "So, I heard someone's going out tonight?" "Yes, Jin is having his grand opening for his new designed meals. I'm excited!" "And excited to see..a love interest?" "Hell no. There won't be none of that" "and why not!? y/n-" "no, Chan! I'm not..I'm not looking forward to this 'new partner' that the universe has for me" well you never know what the universe has planned. And y/n knew that. "Well think about it. You might meet him tonight" Chanyeol smirked, taking the needle as he went towards the cabinet. "That would be weird don't you think?" "You're the hottest person I know, ok? You stand a chance - a easy chance alright?"

     Y/n hummed, leaning her hands on the desk behind her. "Am I finished?" "All done doll. Go and get glammed up, I'll drop you off at your house" "actually..drop me off at my private one" he raised an eyebrow, confused. "Oh?" "I would like to make an entrance" Chanyeol smirked, knowing what she meant. "Alright I'm closing, let's go" we left the office and went out the building.

~2 hours later~

I looked at myself, slowly putting the 3 thousand necklace around my neck as the silver touched the bare skin. I smirked at myself, running my hands over the pricey necklace, running my hands over my sexy but revealing dress. It was silk, the type of dress that would make all eyes look my way, the off - shoulder dress really make my upper body stand out.

The cleavage was visible, the revealing parts were just right, the jewels on the dress glistening in every light in touches. The black, seductive 6 inch heels that echoed every floor it touched. And to top it off, a dark rose lip tint with lipgloss, light - but seductive makeup look and had my long newly dyed, black hair hang long with the some hair strands that were curled.

Y/n felt like she owned everything she looked and touched. And she does such that. Soon after checking herself out and creating a bag, her phone rung. She picked it up to see Lisa's contact. "Hey girly, you ready we're outside" "right on time, I'm on my way" I hung up, closing my room door and went downstairs before opening the front door to see the white Mercedes outside.

Hoseok's car.

I walked down the sidewalk and Hoseok came out, walking towards the passenger's seat. "Well hello Sexy" "well hello handsome" we chucked, him opening the door for me and I thanked him, going inside.
"OOH GIRL LOOKING FINE AS HELL!" "I thank you and the God's for buying me this dress. I really wanted to wear it!" "And it looks stunning on you! Ok come on let's go I think we're late" "yea you think" Hoseok finished before driving towards the restaurant downtown.

   After conversations, laughs and things like that we arrived at the crowded restaurant and parked in a designated spot. Hoseok got out, opening the door's for me and Lisa and we popped out, all eyes were on us. "Girl..u are getting stares on stares" "I thought it was you!" "It's most definitely you" Lisa responded back, smiling at me as she grabbed my hand. The three of us went towards the reception desk, smiling at the woman. "M-Ms Y/N! Hello! What can I do for you!"
"We're here for Kim Seokjin? Meal release?" "Of course! The three of you may follow me" she bowed to us before we followed her to the large table.

    The circle lights on the ceiling were shining bright, the city lights reflecting inside the large modern restaurant. I felt eyes everywhere, men drooling while there date's glared with jealousy. I smirked, smiling to myself we made it to our destination. "Menu's are already at the table, enjoy the meals" she bowed again before leaving us with the rest of the group.

    "WHO..IS THAT!?" A woman with straight purple-ish hair said, standing up as she came towards us. "Hi!! I'm Y/N-" "Y/N!? THE FAMOUS NAIL TECH - I LOVE YOUR WORK!" The woman said, shaking my hand. My eyes lit up, laughing with her. "Oh thank you!! What's your name!?" "I'm Park Chaeyoung! But you can call me Rose! Wow you are gorgeous!" "Oh thank you babe! You are stunning!" "Oh Y/N! This is Namjoon, Yoongi, Jisoo, Taehyung, and you heard about Jennie and Jimin" "of course! I'm Y/N nice to meet you all!"

    "Except Jennie doesn't matter and it'll be nice for you and Jimin to catch up" I sighed at Lisa's remark as she smiled at all of us. "Well welcome Y/N you look very nice tonight. We would love to get to know you" I smiled at Namjoon, thanking him before the 2 took a seat and conversations were starting. "So, y/n, how do you know Lisa and Hoseok?" "Well Hoseok is a childhood friend. Lisa I met her 2 years ago, but we're so close it feels like me and her have grown up together" I answered Namjoon, sitting down in an empty seat.

      "How long have you been doing nails?" Rose asked me. "I've been doing them all my life. But I didn't get busy until about..4 years 5 years ago? I'm pretty proud" "you should! Oh my god can you please do mine?" "Of course! I can get you straight. And it's on the house, for a friend" she shrieked, clapping her hands in excitement making me smile at her cuteness. "You seem nice I guess" I raised an eyebrow at Yoongi's remark. "Excuse me? And you're rude I guess" he was taken back by my comeback, hearing Namjoon's and Rose's chuckles in the back.

    "Who does she think she is?" "That bitch" I responded, smiling sweetly at him as I sipped out of my wine glass. "Looks like you've met your match Yoongs" "oh I like you" Yoongi said, nodding to himself. "Hey girl, holding up ok?" Jennie came up, squatting between me and Rose. "Yes I am! Everyone seems so nice, I'm gonna have fun" "I've been wanting to introduce Taehyung to you for a while now but we'll all do it once we head home" "oh? Where are we going?"

    "We all agreed to head back Jungkook's house for a little sleepover" I raised an eyebrow at the 2 smiling girls. "Who.?"

    Jungkook was speed walking towards the table, seeing Hoseok get up and walk towards him. "I'm sorry I'm late, did the meals come out yet?" "Not yet, hey..there's someone I want to introduce you too. She already met the rest of the group..she'll be joining us" Jungkook raised an eyebrow, following Hoseok to the rest of the group. "Y/N!" A woman's head shot up, the cat eyes looking at Hoseok.

    Hoseok called her over, seeing her get up out her seat and walk towards the two. "Y/, Jungkook. y/n" They looked at each other, saying nothing as they took in each other's beauty. Jungkook didn't know what to say, but knew y/n was speechless as well.

        I think he might've found the one.

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