20: Suprise? Suprise!

36 3 0

Luke's POV:

"Are you sure Froot - Loops are fine?" I question Chelsea as that is all we have in the cupboards. She nods carelessly while running her hands through her brunette bed hair.

I begin to pour a blow of milk, then tipping in some Froot - Loops. I see Ashton walk in with a big grin on his face.

"Heyaa Luke, and good morning Chelsea" he greets us happily.

"Oh Luke, you know Michael is in your room again stealing all your posters and shit" Ashton mentioned. Michael always does this to me and it is so annoying.

I gallop over to my room not wanting Mikey to get any of my stuff. He purposely does this just to piss me off so much. Ashton follows behind, still engaged with this slightly chuckling


Calum's POV:

I wake up and head straight to the kitchen. I walk past Luke's room and see Ash, Mikey and Luke fighting again over those stupid posters. It's quite amusing to watch actually.

I go into the kitchen to find Chelsea eating Froot - Loops quietly. So quietly I could hear every crunch that came from her mouth.

She looked so mother, fucking hot. So hot that if she was a chilli pepper, I know people would die from eating her. Or so hot that steam radiates off her skin letting everyone around her take in the beautiful scent that came from her.

"Hey Chelsea" I start off. She seems a lot better than before. She just seems better in every single way; feelings, memorability, moods, looks....looks, fuck Calum snap-out-of-it.

"Oh Hi Cal" she swallows the food she took in.

"Can I just say you still look good when you've just woken up" I blurt out not thinking at all.

"Um thanks. I'm just wearing Luke's top he gave me which his 2 sizes too big, so nothing flash" she replies.

"It's actually my top which Luke stole from me" it's true, Luke steals all of my shit. Stupid Luke, that numb-nut he is. Hypocrite.

I walk over to the counter to lean up against it. I hope I'm not too awkward. I have to admit I still have feelings for Chels. Not those "she's pretty" feelings. The type of feelings where every time you walk past that special someone it feels like the entire world is frozen and everything and everyone is concentrated on you and her. Sometimes I wish Luke wasn't her boyfriend.

I know I always say that I respect and love how they are together, but sometimes I just feel that her and I were just meant to be.

"So what do you have planned today?" I wonder curiously.

"I'm just going on a date with Luke".

Great. Just great. Fuck you too life. Thanks a lot. It should have been "I'm just going on a date with Calum". Calum is the word, not Luke. Luke, Luke, LUKE!

"Oh cool" not cool. Everything besides cool. The complete opposite of cool. Totally every single word that means horrible.

She continued eating as I death stared her. She walked over to the sink and cleaned her dishes.

"Do you have anything to wear at the moment?" I wonder. I knew all her clothes were back at her place.

"No. I don't think so. I guess I'll-" she replies and I quickly cut her off.

"I've got something you can wear" I cough, pushing back my messy hair off my forehead.

"You do. Like girl clothes" she confusingly spoke.

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