21: New York Here We Come!

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Chelsea's POV:

I can't believe Luke and I are leaving to New York tomorrow. I'm so excited and can't wait. I've never been to a place as busy as NY so I wonder what's in store for me.

I've got all my luggage ready for tomorrow. Yesterday we went back to my place to get all my clothes. We're gonna be staying there for two weeks. Calum is a bit disappointed that he can't go. I told Luke that I don't care if he comes with us but he doesn't really want him there.

"Hey Cal" I say sitting myself next to him on the couch in front of the television.Luke, Ashton and Michael were out at the moment doing some music shopping. I don't know why Calum didn't go with them.

"Hey Chels" he replies looking next to him, towards me.

"What ya doin?" I kindly ask. It was kind of obvious what he was doing; nothing, literally nothing.

"Nothing" he spoke. "Hey, can I ask you something?"

"Yeah sure. Go ahead" I nod.

"Well, what happens if you like someone a lot, or in fact you are in love with this person but they already have a boyfriend, what should you do?" he questioned in slight detail.

"Well from my perspective I would just try and be really good friends with that person. You can't force someone to like you. It depends on how you act around them and set your attitude towards that person" I began. "I would make sure I'm a part of that persons life and also making sure they are always happy when I'm around them".

"Oh ok. It's just that I'm in love with someone and I can't get them out of my head. Every time I see them my heart pumps at a much faster pace. I just have no clue what to do" Calum explained making himself comfortable where he sat.

"Just don't be a heartbreaker, ok" I spoke tapping on his broad shoulder which stuck out from his Misfit singlet.

"Did you want to help me write a song?" Calum asked picking up his notebook from the coffee table and setting his guitar on his lap.

"Yeah sure, sounds like fun" I agree and move myself closer to Calum's side.

"This is what I've written so far" Calum handed me his book with a page wedge open.

It read:
Can I have a minute?
I gotta tell you something,
I know that someone likes you,
It might be nothing but he's right in front of you.

To be honest those first lyrics Cal wrote were quite good. I read on until u got to where he had finished off from.

"It's not done yet so I was hoping you could help me out" Calum took the book from me gently moving his eyes across the page for ideas from his previous lyrics.

"I would love to help" I stated.

We sat on the couch for an hour figuring out good ideas and lyrics. It sounded amazing so far, well from my point of view.

I started to drift off into a quiet sleep as I leant my head up against Calum's shoulder. Calum put down his things and pulled his arm around me, causing our heat to radiate off of each other. We both dozed off, not making a sound except for the faint snores which both escaped each breath we took in and blew back out.


Luke's POV:

We walk into the house trying our best not to make a sound. I heard faint snores coming from the lounge room.

"Hey, I'm just gonna-" Michael speaks and I immediately cuts him off.

"Ssshhhhhh" I repel pushing my finger to my lips. I point to lounge room pointing out the obvious that Chelsea or someone was sleeping. Michael nods and tells Ashton before he comes in.

I walk over to the lounge room to find my precious Chelsea snuggled into a sleeping Calum. I see his guitar leaning up against the coffee table with his song book so they must have writing shit or something I assume.

I tell Ashton to get my bed ready. I pick up Chelsea out of Calum's grip wrapping her arms around my neck. I carefully walk to my room to see Ashton fixing up my bed. I put Chels on the bed and get Ashton's help with undressing her. This has happened numerous times, I wonder if Chelsea actually sleeps.

We pull off her jeans and then lift off her jumper she wore. I didn't mind that Ashton got to see her in just her bra and underwear cause I know he'll think nothing of it. Hopefully.

Ash snatches a top of mine from my chest of drawers next to him. I slip on the top over her head, then pulling it down where it stops at the middle of her fragile thighs. As I tuck her in Ashton leaves the room, so hoped in with her. She was so warm so I immediately wrap my cool arms around her fragile waist.

I'm really excited for tomorrow. When I bought the plane tickets it was supposed to be for Cal, Mikey, Ash and I but I wanted to do something badly for Chels, soo I got tickets to New York.


We were all shoved in Ashton's car. Ash was driving while Michael sat beside him. Calum and I say squished on either sides of Chelsea.

They all wanted to say goodbye on the way to the airport so they all came which I didn't mind. My palms were starting sweat as every time I travel on my planes or flying objects in general I just get really nervous.

Chelsea looked really hot today, I have to admit. She was wearing a black, Leander crop top that finished above her belly button. To go with that she wore faded, skinny jeans that came right up to her waist, still showing her stomach. For shoes she had on all black converse and her hair was down, parted in the middle.

We quickly found a spot to park in and got out all out luggage. I made Michael carry everything as he wants to loose 3 kg in a month.

"You nervous?" Chelsea asks me. She must have noticed me rubbing my hands together and licking my gittering lips.

"Yeah a bit. You?" I ask. She doesn't look nervous or worried at all. In fact she looks completely fine. Wish I was her.

"Not really" she smiled shrugging her shoulders a bit. "You'll be alright" she giggle hugging the side of me leaning her head up against the edge of my shoulder.

Later on, we finally board the plane after saying goodbye to the three boys. Mikey was a little worried that something was going to happen to us while we're away but I'm sure we will be absolutely fine.

I still can't believe I'm going to New York, with Luke! I love him so much for this. How will I pay him back for this like seriously.


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