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A box gets set on the coffee table in the main living room where Clay kept me seated. He didn't even ask either. Last night they kept me in the game room, they didn't do anything that hurt me it was actually quite nice. Kit kept me company for most of it showing me his...knife collection... which scared me. Why would someone need that many knifes? Anyways, I asked where I was supposed to sleep when Kit grabbed my hand tugging me to his room letting me sleep in his bed with him. He didn't touch me in any way I didn't like but he loved cuddling and it was nice to sleep warm for once.

But now I'm sitting on a big black leather couch with Clay showing me pictures of costumes he thinks I'll look good in. Jay digs in the box he placed on the coffee table pulling out a piece of clothing with a grin. I cover myself in the blanket Clay handed me as Jay looks at me with that same glint in his eyes. "I ordered this last night! Come here!" Jay says walking around the coffee table towards me. I scoot towards Clay practically climbing onto the man's lap to get away. "Clay! Help me! He is here to serve us in the first place!" The man whines. X walks in with Red and Zero close behind but when they see us they all stop. "Still haven't marked the guy yet?" Red scoffed placing her hands on her hips. "X! You said he was for us but he keeps running away" Jay frowns pointing at me. X grabs the outfit from Jay with a roll of his eyes then walks towards me. "If you want to dress him up, dress him up" X said grabbing my bicep and yanking me off Clays lap. He shoves the dress against my chest with a smirk. "Put it on for us Cyrus" He growls in my ear before nipping at it. I look at the others, Jay's excited face, Zero's curious look, Red's annoyed face while Clay just continues looking at his phone. I grab the outfit looking down at it. "Be a good boy and we will reward you" X murmurs before kissing my cheek then walking away with Red and Zero following.

I start heading towards the nearest bathroom Jay catching up to me. "I'll help you" He says tugging me into the bathroom. "I-I can-" He cuts me off with a peck on my lips. Jay does help me change which makes me blush and worst part is he wouldn't let me put underwear on so I was practically naked! "I never knew a guy could look so good in a dress" Jay comments placing his hands on my hips and resting his chin on my shoulder. He kisses my neck making me shiver and make the blush come back. "Is X your boss?" I ask making Jay look at me in the mirror. Jay doesn't answer instead he turns me around only to dig his face in my neck licking and sucking on the skin. "J-Jay, is he?" I ask again slightly pushing him away. He pulls away a scowl on his handsome face. "I need to hit the gym" He mutters walking out of the bathroom leaving me shocked.

Kit hasn't left my side since seeing me in the maid outfit. He doesn't touch but he looks and it very obvious. The others stare but Kit seems to like it the most, more then Jay who keeps trying to touch me. X has even glanced at me once or twice. I stand in the kitchen waiting for this stupid water to boil. I love cooking but I hate having to wait for water to boil it takes so long. Kit wraps his arms around my waist pulling me against his hard body. "Kit, please, I'm trying to make lunch" I grumble glaring at the pot of water. Kit likes me...or well I think he likes me. Maybe he will answer my question somehow. I turn to look at him which makes him smile. "Hey, I have a question" I mumble laying my hands on his chest. He grabs one of my hands kissing my knuckles then interlocking our fingers. "Is...is X your boss?" I ask softly biting my lip. Kit cups my cheek with his other hand nodding to my question. So he is their boss. What do they do? X seems like a man who likes to get what he wants. Maybe is has his own business and the guys are workers.

I turn out if Kits arms to pour the box of noodles into the boiling water. I hear other footsteps and some talking which belongs to the other guys. "Aw, look he's making us lunch" I hear Lee snort behind me. "He looks good" Jay mutters. Perverts. Once the noodles are cooked, I drain the water then stir in spaghetti sauce and plate it. "I have nothing else to do" I mutter handing out plates. Clay tugged me towards him only to place me on his lap on a stool he was sitting on. He picks up a fork full of spaghetti holding it up to my mouth but I shake my head. "You need to eat to" He says pressing the fork against my lips. I reluctantly take the noodles into my mouth chewing slowly with a frown on my face. After I finished chewing Clay grabs my chin and presses our lips together kissing me. I pull away my face on fire while Clay smirks. "Hey! No fair I wanted to kiss him first" Jay whines with a frown before eating his lunch. "You can suck his dick first" Clay says making me glare at him. I get off his lap stomping off only to run into X. "Hello doll" He murmurs wrapping an arm around my waist to lead me back.

"Did you make me a plate?" He asked and I point at the last plate on the counter. He kisses my check then walks over to the plate to eat. "When can I go home?" I ask making them all look at me. I hug myself looking at each of them it was a long time before they all look at X...their boss. X wipes his mouth with a napkin before setting his plate down. "This is your new home" He said with a smile. No this is not home this is somewhere else. Home is my dorm room with my textbooks and other books. My bed with soft blankets and the teddy mom got me when I was seven that I named Honey. Even if I was alone most of the time it was home and I liked it.

"Nothing going to happen to you. We aren't going to hurt you...unless you do something wrong but I don't think you will" X says giving me a hard stare. There is danger in his eyes like one wrong move and I'll regret it. "B-But I'm in college, I have a scholarship a-and I need to finish my classes to become s-someone...to make them proud" I whisper looking down at the floor. Maybe if I complete collage and become a successful lawyer my parents will be proud and forget about my preferences. They will look at me with proud smiles and soft eyes like they look at my little sister. Arms wrap around me squeezing me for comfort. "Make who proud?" I look up at X my eyes watery. "Doesn't matter...I'm stuck here" I whisper wiggling out of whoever has me to rush upstairs into a bathroom slamming the door shut behind me. I slide against the door until I'm sitting on the ground as tears fall down my face. College doesn't matter anyways. I didn't want to go in the first place that was my dad dream not mine.

'"Cyrus, one day you're going to have a family. You need to man up and get a good job to support them"

"Cyrus! Pay attention I want good grades from you"

"Cyrus! You little brat what did we talk about? Go think about your future and quit daydreaming"

He never loved me...just wanted me to have a life he didn't. Become a good lawyer, get a pretty girl marry her and make babies who can also be successful. What I wanted didn't matter. I wanted to get into photography not in the law. That's boring but being able to take pictures to express myself through that's fun. It's makes me feel free or it use to anyways. I remember when I got my first camera, I was only ten when my friend at the time had me over and showed me the one they had. I told them my dream and they gave me the camera saying I should practice. When I got home that day I showed mom and I remember being so excited about it. I showed her the camera but she slapped it out of my hand then slapped me. She said she didn't care about what I had or what I wanted instead I should focus on my school work. They both never understood me, no one ever understood me. No one ever will.

I'm stuck in a house with men who see me as a sex object. Just some toy for there entertainment. I guess what Red said was right...it's better to be here alive with men wanting me then to be dead. Or maybe she was wrong, maybe I would rather be dead then trapped here. I don't know anymore.

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