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"Get up! We have important things to do today" My covers get ripped off of me making me shiver instantly. Opening my eyes Red stares down at me with an unamused look. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes I slowly sit up wincing a little from the pain in my bottom. Red glides away pulling out a pair of jeans and a random shirt from Lee's bag.

She tosses them to me barely missing my face. "Shower" She says then walks out, the door clicking shut behind her. Frowning I grab the clothes and shuffle into the bathroom. My butt really hurts. I turn on the water setting it to get warm. In the mirror I take off the clothes I have on, Zero's shirt and the briefs. I gasp at the marks on my body. Massive hand prints cover my hips, and tons of hickey's are littered on my chest and collar bone. I trace the hand print careful not to press down too hard. It's a bruise, but I like it.

Smiling to myself I get in the shower cleaning myself of last nights activities. I'm positive Zero cleaned me up at his parent's house but it was probably a rush. I wouldn't be surprised is X got mad at him for taking me out. That man is too much sometimes. I hope he doesn't hurt Zero.

After I'm clean I pull on a new pair of briefs and the jeans Red pulled out for me. Lee's shirt fits better than Zero's making me smile softly. Red was waiting outside the door for me. She does wait for long and when she sees me to shoves sunglasses on my face. "Let's go" I rush after her almost tripping over my feet near the elevator.

To my surprise Red takes me to the mall. She barely says a word to me as she walks into a store with skimpy looking clothing. "R-Red!" I squeak almost bumping into a display table. I watch with wide eyes as she grabs a pair of leather pants then walks over to the shirt section. She looks over the many see though shirts before grabbing a black fish net one.

Taking my wrist in her free hand we walk to a dressing room. "Try these on" She shoves the clothes into my arms then pushes me into the room. "But-" The door slams in my face. Why would I need these clothes? Sighing and accepting the fact that Red probably won't let me out of here until I do as she asks, I undress and work with the pants first.

To say I was struggling was an understatement. These things are so freaking tight it felt like my thighs couldn't breathe! Which is weird because thighs don't breathe...After what felt like hours I finally get the pants up and buttoned. Letting out a breath I grab the shirt next slipping it on. I blush in the mirror hanging on the door. You can kinda see the marks on my body...why do I like it?

The door opens, Red peeking her head in. When she sees I'm fully dressed she opens the door all the way studying me. "Tuck the shirt in" Frowning I do what she asked struggling because the pants are super tight. Looking up I see her lips lift upward and she nods her head. "Perfect" She says and takes out a phone. She leaves me to put my clothes back on.

Red pays for the clothes and makes me carry the bag back to the hotel. Frowning slightly I stare at the bag. Red left right after she dropped me off. I thought she would at least stay for a little longer. I guess she had things to do. Is this what it's going to be like from now on? The guys leave me all alone with nothing to do. Red told me not to leave the room before she left. I'm stuck here like I was the first day...

I want to go back to the house. This stupid hotel is boring and Kit has books back at the house. Before we left I was reading one about the Holocaust....I haven't finished it yet. I should've brought it but X was rushing everyone out. He could've given me something to do. I don't even know why I'm in his hotel room.

Already bored out of my mind I turn on the TV for some noise. Nothing better to do than sleep. I'm upset at all of them is time. I drift off.

Someone shakes me awake. Groaning I open my eyes seeing X hovering above me. Too tired to be upset I reach up wrapping my arms around him. He easily picks me up supporting my weight with a hand on my bum. "My sleepy doll" He murmurs. X sits on the couch rubbing my back softly. "Another boring day huh?" I nod my head basking in the feeling of being in someone's arms. It was too cold in the bed. I guess I'm use to someone being in bed with me.

"Only two more days. The day after tomorrow you will be allowed in a club" He whispers in my ear. Pushing myself up I stare at him slightly confused. A club? I've never been to a club before. "I'll tell you more when the time comes. Why don't you go down to the lobby and hang out with the guys?" Nodding my head but before I get up I lean forward pressing my lips to X's. He kissed me gently before letting me go.

I slip on some shorts before going down to the lobby. I find them at the bar drinking different things but definitely ones with alcohol. Walking over the bartender immediately walks over asking what I want. "Water" I mumble sliding onto a stool between Lee and Clay. The bartender doesn't give me a weird look and sets a glass of water in front of me. "Who gave you permission to wear my clothes?" Lee asked glancing over at me. His glass is almost empty and he looks sleepy.

"Red tossed it at me this morning and I really didn't want to wear a shirt that smelled like sex" I state making Clay choke on his own drink. I catch Zero's eyes biting my lip as he hides his smirk behind the rim of his glass. "You didn't take it off?" Jay questioned. I turn to look at him beside Clay. "No...Zero liked that I wore it" Jay actually blushes. His cheeks turn pink. I take a drink to stop myself from laughing.

They are all so quiet. Maybe something happened today. They don't look hurt, mainly just tired. Lee downs his drink and the bartender replaces it immediately. "How many times...?" Now it was Zero's time to choke on his drink. Jay glances away the blush still on his face. After wiping his face and the mess he made Zero says, "does it matter? Damn, I don't see how that is any-"

"Three times" Zero's glaze cuts to me. I only smile in response. Kit's stool flies back as he stands. Quickly downing his drink he slams the glass down before stomping off. What's wrong with him? Frowning I grab my glass and follow after the quiet man. Finding him out near the pool I sit next to him. I feet dip into the water that wasn't super cold and felt really good.

"Kit?" The man makes a point to look away from me. I don't understand why he is upset at me. I place a hand on his arm only for him to shrug it off. "Kit...look at me" I beg him. I don't like him being like this. Kit turns reaching out and grabbing my arm roughly.

"Andare via" My jaw drops. Kit just talked. Clearly not English but he...talked! Was that Italian? He must be part Italian! His voice is so deep! Wow! This is the best thing ever! I wonder if he will say more.

"What did you say?" I ask masking my surprise. Kit leans closer still glaring, "Andare via" He says is again then shoves me away. "It means 'go away'" I twist around seeing Clay standing behind us. Clay walks over sitting down next to me much to Kits displeasure. "I'm surprised he talked in the first place. You must be more jealous than I thought" Clay chuckles grabbing my glass of water.

"Jealous?" Clay only nods as he drinks. What could make Kit jealous? So jealous that he talked! Then it hits me like a rock. Unable to hold back I laugh uncontrollably. Kit huffs clearly annoyed by my laughs. When I'm able to control myself I grab Kit's hand. "Kit, I belong to all of you. Zero is not the only one who will get to do that to me" My tone is soft as I speak. I would have never thought Kit was the jealous type. It's kinda cute.

"Qualunque cosa" Kit mutters making me smile. Ahhhh! I love it when he talks! Even though I can't understand him, I still love it.

Clay grabs my arm as he stands taking me with him. "Great now that, that is settled...You own me a blow job sweetheart" He purrs then nips my chin. Why would I even think that Clay would forget about that. These men...ah whatever.

I still like them.

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