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It was dark. And cold. I don't like the cold. Why is it so cold? My eyes slowly adjust to the darkness, and I can just make out the shapes of things around me. It looked like a hospital. There was equipment everywhere, and the thing I was on appeared to be a hospital bed. I try to move, but something pulls at my arm. When I look down, I see there's a needle in my vein. I hate needles. I raise my right arm slowly, and close my eyes, trying to hold back the vomit rising in my throat. I carefully grip the IV, and yank it out, nearly passing out. Did I mention I hate needles? blood trickles down my arm as I get off the bed, looking around for something to cover it. I notice instead my pack, which had been laid on a table next to my clothes. Looking down at myself I realize why I'm so cold. Hospital gowns aren't really great for warmth. I head over to grab my stuff, knowing I have bandages in my pack.

After I'm dressed and bandaged, I poke my head outside the door, half expecting soldiars to come running at me, guns blazing, but no one appears. Slowly I step out, walking only on the balls of my feet to avoid as much noise as possible. Turning the corner, my foot lands on shards of broken glass, and I curse, jumping back. Whoever brought me here took my shoes. Assholes. Limping to a room I check to make sure nobody's inside before I head in. I sit at the bed and pull out my tweezers. After removing every shard I could find and bandaging my foot, I decide to find myself some new shoes. Heading back into the hall, I'm much more careful this time. It still hurts to walk, but I can ignore that as long as it doesn't get infected. Looking up, I freeze. There's a lump at the end of the hall. About the size of a grown man, it isn't moving. I make my way toward it carefully, griping my dagger, moving in a crouch, to make myself a smaller target in case someone appears.
As I get closer, I realize I was right. It's a man. A soldier to be exact. He appears to be around thirty to thirty-five, with light hair and green eyes staring up at nothing. The beauty of his eyes are set off by the red leacking from the bullet wound in the middle of his forehead. Glancing into the corridor he's in front of, I see more bodies. Something clearly happened here while I was unconscious. Looking back at the man I grab his gun and check the magazine. Completely full. Whatever happened to him, he wasn't expecting it. Searching his clothes, I find more ammo and a second gun in it's holster. I put the rest of the ammo in my bag and put the holster around my thigh. I go to the other bodies, taking everything that could be useful, including severel more rounds of ammo, for both guns, bandages, a bullet proof vest, and some new boots. I'm searching the last body when I hear footsteps from the adjoing hall. Quickly, I spin into the room next to me, presing myself against the wall and holding tight to the handgun I took. Two nurses gasp at the sight of all the bodies before hurrying past. Apparantly not eveyone was killed in the massacre. I wait ten full minutes after they disapear before moving. I'm more careful this time, keeping an ear out for whoever else is in this hospital. I thank my lucky stars that the people who took me didn't take my hearing aids. I'd be in deep fucking shit if they had. I open a door quietly, one hand on my gun as I look in. It's a room full of tech. I search though all the draws finding batteries for my flashlight, but none for my HA. After, I decide to find out what happened here. using the security cameras. what I see is complete carnage. There's no noise to accompany the footage, but I don't need it. The video shows a man go completely batshit crazy, killing ten guards before I can't find him on the cameras anymore. Judging from the bodies I found, his attack didn't stop there.

I found batteries for my hearing aids. I also found a nurse. She tried to inject me with something, so I shot her. I didn't want to. She seemed nice, but I have to do everything I can to survive. I mean, what kind of phsyco tries to stab someone with a needle? I'm in an opperating room now. There's a dead doctor near the opperating table, which leads me to believe that whoever the man was who killed everyone, he was doing it to protect someone. Theres files on a table next to the door. Flippin through them, I discover that the person being opperated on here was someone named Ellie Williams. Putting the files in my bag, I notice a piece of paper sticking out from one of the drawers next to the table. On the small piece I can see, There's a familiar name. My name. I hear voices, slowly getting closer. I open the drawer and grab the file, shoving it in my bag to read later. It's time to get out of here.

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