Chapter Two: Contacts, Contacts and more Contacts

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As the ship cut through the calm waters, Oliver stood at the helm, his gaze sweeping across the deck. The crew moved with purpose, attending to their various tasks, their seamless coordination a testament to their experience and camaraderie. Yet, amidst the organized chaos, Oliver's attention remained fixated on Henry Sr., who wandered the deck seemingly lost in thought.

Oliver's brow furrowed with suspicion. There was something about Henry Sr.'s demeanor that felt off, an undercurrent of hidden intentions that made Oliver uneasy. He had known Henry Sr. for years, but the circumstances surrounding his sudden reappearance and his peculiar obsession with the holy grail raised doubts in Oliver's mind.

Sidling up to Bar, who was overseeing the crew's activities, Oliver discreetly leaned in and asked, "Bar, I can't shake this feeling of unease regarding Henry Sr. What do you make of his sudden involvement in our quest?"

Bar glanced at Henry Sr., his eyes thoughtful as he considered Oliver's concerns. "I understand your apprehension, Captain. Henry Sr.'s return is indeed unexpected, and his fascination with the holy grail raises questions. However, he claims to have valuable information and connections that could aid us in finding the second map. We must exercise caution, but for now, it's wise to utilize any resources at our disposal."

Oliver nodded, his eyes still locked on Henry Sr. "You're right, Bar. We can't afford to dismiss any potential leads. Let's hear what he has to say, but remain vigilant."

As the ship sailed steadily through the open waters, Oliver and Bar stood at the helm, their eyes scanning the horizon. The wind whipped through their hair, carrying a sense of adventure and anticipation. The crew moved about the deck, busy with their tasks, while Oliver and Bar engaged in a quiet conversation.

"Bar, remind me again about our contact in Port Royal," Oliver said, his voice filled with curiosity.

Bar leaned against the railing, his gaze fixed on the distant shoreline. "Her name is Amelia," he began. "She's an archaeologist with a deep knowledge of historical artifacts and ancient mysteries. A rather intriguing woman, I must say."

Oliver's interest piqued. "Is she well-known in these circles?"

Bar shook his head. "Not exactly, Captain. In fact, that's the interesting part. It seems Amelia prefers to keep a low profile. No one seems to know her last name, and she's managed to maintain a certain level of anonymity in her work. But rest assured, she's proven herself to be a reliable source of information in the past."

Oliver arched an eyebrow. "A mysterious archaeologist with a penchant for secrecy. How did you come across her, Bar?"

A smile crept across Bar's face as he recalled their first encounter. "It was during a chance meeting at a remote tavern in Barbados. We struck up a conversation about ancient artifacts, and I was immediately captivated by her knowledge and enthusiasm. Since then, we've maintained a correspondence, sharing information and discoveries."

Oliver nodded, his curiosity growing. "And you believe she has insights into our quest for the second map?"

Bar's eyes gleamed with excitement. "Absolutely, Captain. Amelia has hinted at possessing key information that could guide us closer to the holy grail. She's known for her expertise in deciphering cryptic riddles and uncovering hidden secrets. If anyone can help us unravel the mysteries surrounding the second map, it's her."

Oliver's gaze turned back to the shoreline as the ship drew nearer to Port Royal. "Well, Bar, it seems we have quite an intriguing rendezvous ahead of us. Let's make the necessary preparations. We need to meet Amelia and hear what she has to say."

Bar nodded in agreement. "Aye, Captain. I'll gather the crew and make sure everything is in order. Port Royal awaits, and with it, the first steps towards unlocking the secrets of the holy grail."

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