Chapter Seven: On Seas of Sand

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Oliver, Amelia, and Bar sat together in the ship's cabin, their eyes focused on the intricate lines and symbols that adorned the magical riddle map they had obtained from the island. The absence of Henry Jr and Henry Sr was noticeable, their emotions still raw from their reunion, but the task at hand required immediate attention.

Amelia carefully traced her finger over the map, studying the mysterious riddle. "Move across the ocean to seas of sand," she murmured, her brows furrowed in concentration. "It seems we need to travel from the ocean to a desert."

Oliver leaned closer, his gaze fixated on the map. "The Caribbean, where we just were, is surrounded by ocean. But the mention of seas of sand suggests a desert location. Perhaps we need to journey to a different part of the world."

Bar scratched his beard, deep in thought. "Aye, there are several deserts scattered across the globe. We'll need more clues to pinpoint the exact destination."

Amelia's eyes sparkled with determination. "We must search for additional clues or references to help decipher the riddle. The answer lies within these ancient markings."

As the trio delved deeper into the map, their discussions and theories filled the cabin. They analyzed the symbols, consulted their knowledge of ancient legends, and cross-referenced historical records. minutes turned into hours, their determination unwavering.

A day later, with the map spread out before them, Oliver and Bar found themselves dozing off at the table, exhaustion catching up with them. Amelia, however, remained focused, her eyes scanning the intricate markings on the map. The words "seas of sand" echoed in her mind, and suddenly, a realization struck her.

With a surge of excitement, Amelia rose from her seat, causing Oliver and Bar to jolt awake. She exclaimed, "Seas of sand! It's Egypt! The great desert of Egypt!"

Oliver's eyes widened as he processed the revelation. "Of course! The land of ancient civilizations and hidden secrets. The second part of our journey takes us to the heart of Egypt."

Bar stretched and yawned, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. "Egypt, ye say? That's quite a voyage across the biggest ocean in the world."

Amelia nodded, her determination unwavering. "Indeed, it won't be an easy journey, but the grail awaits us there. We must sail across the vast ocean and reach the land of pharaohs."

With renewed energy, the trio began their preparations to set sail for Egypt. The ship was restocked with provisions, checked for any necessary repairs, and the crew was rallied for the upcoming adventure. Maps were studied, navigation routes plotted, and a sense of anticipation filled the air.

As the Serpent's Embrace embarked on its journey across the vast ocean to Egypt, Oliver, Amelia, and Bar understood the importance of careful preparation and ample supplies. With the ship gliding through the water, they began the arduous task of assessing their reserves of cannonballs and gunpowder.

Bar, renowned for his meticulous nature, led the inventory check. The crew members carefully counted and organized the cannonballs, ensuring they were free from damage or defects. The metallic clinking of the cannonballs echoed across the ship as they were lined up in neat rows, ready to be loaded into the cannons.

Meanwhile, Oliver supervised the examination of the gunpowder stores. Barrels were carefully opened, and the contents were inspected for quality and moisture levels. Any compromised gunpowder was discarded, while the usable stock was securely stored away to ensure its preservation during the long voyage.

Days turned into weeks as the crew meticulously counted and cataloged their reserves. The task demanded unwavering focus, as even a minor oversight could prove detrimental during a battle or an unforeseen encounter on their journey.

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