Chapter Fifteen: The Castle on the Horizon

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The ship glided through the open sea, its sails billowing in the wind as it carried Oliver, Amelia, and their crew farther away from the shores of Egypt. The salt-kissed air filled their lungs, and the rhythmic sound of the waves against the hull provided a soothing backdrop to their thoughts.

Amelia, holding the compass in her hands, stood at the ship's helm, her eyes fixed on the ancient map laid out before her. Her brows furrowed in concentration as she tried to align the compass's needle with the markings on the weathered parchment. The compass, always true to its purpose, guided her with unwavering determination.

Around her, the crew went about their tasks, ensuring the smooth operation of the ship. Bar, with his keen eyes, stood lookout at the crow's nest, scanning the horizon for any sign of danger or discovery. Henry Jr, his jealousy momentarily forgotten amidst the shared quest, assisted the crew in various tasks, finding purpose in the unity of their mission.

Oliver, leaning against the ship's railing, observed Amelia with a mixture of admiration and concern. He recognized the weight that rested on her shoulders as the one entrusted with deciphering the clues and charting their course. His fingers traced the hilt of his sword, a silent reminder of his commitment to protect her and their shared goal.

As the sun began its descent towards the horizon, casting a golden hue upon the endless expanse of water, Amelia's eyes widened in realization. She looked up from the map, her gaze meeting Oliver's.

As the ship sailed towards the horizon, leaving the mysterious island behind, Amelia's eyes widened with a realization. "Oliver," she said, her voice tinged with a mix of excitement and disbelief, "our destination, according to the compass, is England."

Oliver turned to face her, his gaze filled with intrigue. "England?" he echoed, a hint of astonishment in his voice. "After all our adventures across distant lands, the grail leads us back to our homeland."

Amelia nodded, her mind already racing with plans and possibilities. Together, they retreated to the privacy of their quarters, poring over maps and charts. With each passing moment, their course to England became clearer.

"We must set a course due north," Amelia explained, tracing her finger along the chart. "We'll sail across open seas for approximately three days until we reach the desired coordinates. From there, it should be a day's sail up the English coast to our destination."

Oliver's eyes sparkled with a mixture of anticipation and a touch of nostalgia. "Returning to England," he murmured. "It feels like a lifetime since we left those shores."

Amelia smiled warmly, sharing in his sentiment. "Indeed, it has been a long and arduous journey," she said. "But we have grown, both individually and as a crew. And now, we carry with us the knowledge and experience necessary to face whatever awaits us in our homeland."

They spent hours refining their plan, taking into account the unpredictable nature of the sea and the potential challenges that lay ahead. They conferred with the crew, sharing the news of their destination and instilling in them a renewed sense of purpose.

Oliver walked slowly along the deck of the ship, his steps measured and deliberate. The rhythmic creaking of the wooden planks beneath his feet echoed in his ears, blending with the gentle sound of the waves lapping against the hull. The salty breeze tousled his hair, carrying with it the scent of the open sea.

As he made his way forward, his gaze swept across the ship, observing the crew diligently carrying out their tasks. The sailors climbed the rigging with practiced ease, their nimble movements like a well-rehearsed dance. Oliver admired their skill and dedication, knowing that their collective effort was what kept the ship sailing smoothly.

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