The New & The Old

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Stomping down the hidden staircase, Dodger started bugging Fagin with all sorts of questions.
"What sort of work are we doing, then?"

"How can I put this? We're pocket rummagers."
"Watch lifters," Arthur says from behind him, smiling at the boy who looked back at him.
"Ragged magpies with beady eyes on all the glitters." Fagin continued as he stepped out onto the street, looking out for potential thieving.

Speeding up to Fagin - leaving Arthur behind to talk to Polly and Tang - Dodger accused us of being criminals! (it's true, but how dare he!)

Dragging him down a narrow alleyway, Fagin began telling him off:
"Oh, we don't like that word."
"No, we never say the F-word." Polly chimed in, jabbing a finger at Dodger.

"Look, there's nicking and there's nicking. We're somewhere in between."

"We only steal from people who won't miss it," Tang says in her small voice.

Looking back at the boy, Fagin continues: "We skim a sniff box here, a handkerchief there, maybe a few coins. But at the end of the day, we put it in a big pot and give it to the poor."

"yeah, us," Tom replied to Dodger's unspoken query with as much enthusiasm as a bit of thread.

"We're a family, see, and like a family, we look after each other." Fagin says to Dodge, slapping his cheek gently at the end whilst nicking a tablecloth from a nearby washing line, "That's nice."

Near the main high street now, the older man led the group into a doorway; having seen a good mark to teach Charli and Dodger

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Near the main high street now, the older man led the group into a doorway; having seen a good mark to teach Charli and Dodger.

"Come here. Now, listen. We are pickpockets, and pickpocketing is like a dance. You've got to find the right partner, learn the moves. First, you need a target, someone without their wits about 'em, someone with their guards down. Someone doing two things at the same time."

Catching onto Fagin's plan, Arthur pointed at his latest 'victim' - "Look! See that woman there wasting water on leafy things. Try and pinch that lady's purse without being caught."

Feeling a sharp jab into his side, he turned to face Charli slightly offended.
"I'm not doing that! You do if you want it so badly!"
"Nah, she knows me face! Besides, she probably won't hurt ya. Just do it."

Fagin, now annoyed with the young girl, started to speak to her in a harsh tone.
"Yes, you are. I'm gonna make you do it."
"No, I'm not!"
"Why not?"
"I don't take things that don't belong to me."

Pausing to think briefly, Fagin asked if she was a country girl to which Charli nodded, slightly confused as to where this was heading.

"Have you ever filched eggs off a hen? Have you?"
"yeah, but that's. . ."
"Well, this is just the same, only its coins in pockets. Look, Tang on lookout."

Tang complained about this, even going as far as to stomp her foot narrowly missing Arthur's.

"Oh Tang you have stolen something, you've stolen my heart. Now get on lookout!"

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