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Ch 5 [Ved]

Next day, I went to school. I got to realize that what father said was true. Sometimes, people lie for the sake of their loved ones. I realized that when Ishan lied for his friend. It was the period of science and the teacher was checking if we had done the home works we were given. Ishan's friend, Ved, hadn't done his work as I could notice. Because of rotation system, I was sitting on the first desk and the two of them were behind me. I could clearly hear them. Ved was asking Ishan to lie for his sake and Ishan did as he was asked. He told teacher that Ved was sick till the morning and that being the reason, he couldn't do his task.

After the period was over when Ved went out with other classmates, I turned to Ishan who was reading a book, "Ishan." I called him. He seemed so focused on his book but still gave me a gentle gaze.

"Hi, Satvik. What's the matter? You look curios." He asked me and put his book aside after keeping a bookmark in it. He had found out my curiosity.

I nodded, "I want to ask something." I replied.

"What is it?"

"Well, why did you lie for Ved?" I asked straight forwardly without making it complicated.

He chuckled, "You heard us." He laughed and continued, "You see, Ved isn't very responsible. I know, I shouldn't have lied but Ved isn't as irresponsible as it seems. Some students need scoldings to do a work but he is different. If we give him a chance, he never lets down." He said and smiled at me as if he was explaining something to a kid. ''I know lying isn't good for him too but, let's spare him just this time. Alright?"

I nodded, "I get it." I turned back and started wondering if what he said was true. Next day, I got my answer. He was right. Ved had his work done and he even got it checked from teacher. It showed that he was late but not blind to the works he was given. I couldn't understand if I liked that type or not. Who cared, anyway?

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