2. Senjutsu and the Fox Godess.

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The leader of Yokais turned to see one of gaurds was kneeling down in front of her.

"What is it Ryugen-kun!"

"There is a devil at borders. Says he wants to learn Senjutsu and needs help." The gaurd named Ryugen replied.

Tamamo raised her eyebrow at hearing this. She was surprised a devil was ready to leave his pride behind and ask for help from other species. She knew there was too much discrimination even among devils. She was certainly intrested.

"Bring him to me Ryugen-kun." She ordered with a smile.

Ryugen bowed his head and left to bring the guest in.

Naruto bowed his head in greetings as he reached Tamamo's office.

"Greetings Tamamo-sama!"

Tamamo nodded at him "I hear that you come here with one of strangest request. You do know that Yokai and devil factions are not allied. If we share our knowledge of Senjutsu with us, what is there to say that you will not use the gift thought by us against us."

Naruto nodded in acceptance at her words "I came here as Gremory Naruto, a student, not a devil clan hier. I can't give you words from devil faction nor Can I offer something from Gremory as I am not head of the clan. But I am willing to swear that I will not use the knowledge given by yolkai, against your kind unless it is an act of defense."

Tamamo raised her eyebrows again "And you expect me to believe the words of a devil."

Naruto shook his head and answered in full seriousness "I am willing to sign a blood pact, my lady."

Tamamo was palcated a bit, but still not sure. He was heir to one of the most influential clan of devil, and his friendship could bring many benefits for her people. But Senjutsu was one of the Sacred arts practised by Yokai and can be only learned by them who had large reserves of Chakra. Him using Chakra was also a thing, that surprised Tamamo, as even though Chakra is present in every living being, most either don't know about it, or don't bother using and use magic as cheap replacement to do things they could do with chakra. Of course even being more Versatile than Chakra, magic didn't packed quite a punch as Chakra.

She finally came to a decision "Very well, Naruto. I will allow you to learn Senjutsu condition being you sign the blood pact. In addition to that you will serve the Yokai for 10 years starting from now. Of course, none of your tasks will be slight against devil faction. Though impressing your teacher enough, that she agrees with your request will be your responsibility."

Naruto thought about it and nodded in agreement"I am very good at convincing. Don't worry about it."

Tamamo just smirked and waved him off.
[Time skip 2 years]

Naruto grinned as he completed last task to be finally called as sage. It was mostly similar to his past life. He had to let the natural Chakra flow through his body. He had to share his chakra with mother nature in return of borrowing chakra from nature.
All while moving.

Yes the only diffrence was additional step that enabled him to do the pre mentioned exchange while moving, rather than sitting still. It was ofcourse an advantage over his past life 'SAGE MODE', but learning how to do that took him 2 whole years.

Yes due to his past life experience, he was able to do the chakra flow part only in three months, that also because the nature of the environmental chakra was a bit diffrent.
The rest of time was taken in learning how to do it moving, so he won't have limitation during battle.

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