The curious little Devyani

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The grand celebration of Princess Devyani's birthday was in full swing, captivating the hearts and minds of the guests. Among them, the distinguished family of King Govardhan from Suryavati graced the occasion, bringing with them an air of regal charm.

King Govardhan, accompanied by his wife Queen Annapoorna and their children Maina, Rajyavardhan, Yashvardhan, and Raghunath, added to the vibrant tapestry of guests. The joyous atmosphere permeated the palace as laughter and conversations filled the air.

In the midst of the festivities, Queen Shalini approached Queen Annapoorna, who carried a noticeable baby bump, the evidence of an impending addition to their family. Shalini, a nurturing soul, offered her assistance to her fellow queen, understanding the challenges that came with pregnancy.

In their private chamber, Devyani's eyes widened with astonishment as she saw Queen Annapoorna's protruding belly for the first time. With her curiosity piqued, she couldn't resist bombarding the queen with questions, her youthful innocence shining through.

"Queen Annapoorna, why is your tummy so big? Are you hiding something inside? Is it a secret treasure?" Devyani's eyes twinkled with wonder.

Queen Annapoorna chuckled, charmed by Devyani's inquisitive nature. "Oh, my dear Devyani, it's not a treasure but something equally precious. You see, there's a little baby growing inside me."

Devyani's eyes widened further, her mouth forming a perfect "O" shape. "A baby? How did it get there? Did you eat something magical?"

The queens exchanged amused glances, struggling to contain their laughter. Queen Shalini kneeled beside Devyani, gently explaining, "Well, my dear, when a man and a woman love each other very much, they come together and create a tiny life, just like a seed grows into a beautiful flower."

Devyani's face scrunched up in contemplation, her brows furrowing. "But how does it fit inside your tummy? Won't it get squished?"

The queens burst into laughter, the infectious joy spreading through the chamber. Queen Annapoorna, with a twinkle in her eye, replied, "No, my dear, our bodies are designed to accommodate the growing baby. It has its own cozy space to grow and develop."

Devyani's mind raced with new questions, her curiosity ignited. "Can I talk to the baby? Will it understand me? And what will happen when it comes out?"

Queen Shalini lovingly cupped Devyani's cheek. "Oh, my little princess, you have such a tender heart. The baby will hear your voice, and once it's born, it will become a part of our family, bringing even more joy and love into our lives."

Devyani's eyes shone with excitement, her imagination running wild. The prospect of a new addition to their extended family thrilled her, and she couldn't wait to meet the tiny bundle of joy.

As the laughter subsided, the queens and Devyani continued their conversation, delving into the mysteries and wonders of pregnancy. The room was filled with warmth and affection, as the generations connected through the simple yet profound miracle of life.

Little did they know that this encounter would plant the seeds of empathy and understanding within Devyani, shaping her compassionate nature and broadening her perspective on the world around her.

And so, the celebration carried on, infused with laughter, joy, and the delightful curiosity of a young princess. The presence of the Suryavati royal family added an extra layer of enchantment to the festivities, leaving an indelible mark on Devyani's heart and setting the stage for the chapters yet to unfold.

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