Chapter 1

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Jada's POV:

"Jada are you even listening?" Kaylin asks while smacking my arm causing my head to slip off my hand and bang on the desk.

"Dude what the fuck!" I tiredly exclaimed while rubbing the throbbing spot on my head.

"What time did you get home from work last night? You've been nodding off all day" Elliot asks with a worried expression plastered on his face.

"Don't worry about it El, i'm fine" I fake smiled before closing my eyes again.

"Bullshit" Luka said with a chuckle seeming not as worried as his twin sister and best friend.

"JJ how many times have I told you to stop picking up shifts at the Diner? you're overworking yourself too much, not only is it bad for you but I also don't get to have your full attention when I want to tell you about how Mr. Page and Mrs. Kelsie were caught behind the dumpsters fucking after the pep rally last week!" Kaylin rants all in one breath.

"Talk about school spirit" Luka joked trying to fist bump Elliot but is ignored.

I pinch the tip of my nose as I feel the fatigue take over my body once more. I love my friends but sometimes they can be over bearing. I've known the twins and Elliot since first grade, we instantly became best friends after we found a common interest in catching lizards during recess. They've been there for me through thick and thin, I wouldn't trade them for anything in the world.

"As much as I would love to stop working so much, you know that's not possible for me. I want to actually go to college and get out of this shit hole" I responded.

"Hey! you grew up in this shit hole. don't forget that" Kaylin says with a smirk.

"How could I?" I respond sarcastically.

"Isn't your aunt like mega rich? I bet she would help pay for your school" Luka asks.

"No. my mom never took the money she offered and neither will I. I love her but I don't need her charity" I say a bit harsher than I intended causing Luka to throw his hand up in defense.

"Anyways, since it's our last day of Junior year, I propose that we start our Senior year with a bang!" Kaylin says as she slams a flyer down onto the old desk.

"Whats this?" Elliot asks confused.

"Battle of the bands? Really Kay? Are we twelve?" I chuckle as I read the colorful flyer.

"Cmon JJ, this is the perfect opportunity for us to get our name out there!" Kaylin exclaims before she jumps on the desk and starts making hand gestures, 

"Imagine our name, 'RETROGRADE', in bright lights outside Madison Square Garden with a bunch of hot ass fans that are trying to get down and clown. Imagine all the signatures and photos you get to take with people that admire and adore you..." She pauses and looks at us seriously.

"Do you guys even know how many fan edits would be made of us? A LOT!" She exclaims as she jumps down.

"I want a fan edit!" Luka says excitedly.

"I know you do brother. I know you do" Kaylin responds with a smile.

"Okay that's cool and all but how is participating in some small town competition going to do that?" Elliot asks.

"Glad you asked Ellie baby" Kaylin responds causing Elliot to playfully roll his eyes at the pet name.

"The competition will be hosted by Firefly Records, the new recording studio in Lakewood! This is the real deal, I checked it out with my pops last week. They're offering the winner a record deal, this is our chance guys i'm telling you!" Kaylin explains, her curly brown hair bouncing up and down as she speaks excitedly.

"I don't know dude, it's Lakewood, do you really think they're going to even let our band sign up?" Elliot asks.

For some context, Lakewood and Riverwood don't mix very well. It's a dumb rivalry that's been going on for decades, mostly carried by cocky ass rich people that can't deal with those who aren't in the same tax bracket as them. Riverwood has always been the poor and "dangerous" part of town while Lakewood thrives with wealth and "purity". In all honesty, if I had to chose between the two, i'd pick Riverwood all day. Nothing worse than a bunch of rich preppy assholes who think they're better than you all because of their daddy's money. All I know is, it's better to stay on your side of the town, and that goes both ways.

"Well maybe if you read the flyer you'd see that it's open to everyone, meaning that bands from all over the state will be attending" Kaylin responds with a smirk.

"So? what do you guys think?"

"I mean wouldn't we have to ask Katie first?" Luka asks referring to our vocalist.

I let out an annoyed groan at the mention of her name, causing them to laugh. Katie Fields, she's been our vocalist since freshman year. She's an uptight, drama seeking, controlling bitch. However, she's got one hell of a voice and if we want to be successful, some sacrifices must be made.

"Fuck that, i'm not going to listen to that little white bitches opinion, we're voting on this one" Kaylin declares.

"Well im down" Luka says causing a wide smile to break out on his sisters face.

"Yeah, count me in as well" Elliot nods.

"Uh I don't know guys, with work and school, I don't think i'll have time for all the extra rehearsals that we'll be doing" I voice worriedly.

"Well then i'll be glad to tell you that along with the record deal, we get ten thousand dollars if we win" Kaylin smirks.

"Wait seriously?" I jump up intrigued.

I need that money, ever since my mom passed away a couple years ago, i've had to support myself financially. My dads practically a deadbeat and my little brother lives with my aunt up in Lakewood. She always tries to convince me to move up there with them but as much as I complain about Riverwood, my whole life is here. I'm just not ready to leave it yet.

"As serious as a deadly disease" she responds. doesn't take much convincing after hearing that.

"Well then, looks like Retrograde will be competing in Battle of the Bands this year" I smirk causing Kaylin to squeal in excitement and pull me into a tight hug.

This better be worth it.

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