Chapter 3

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Jada's POV:

I patiently sat on the diner counter staring down the clock, waiting for my shift to be over so that I can get to Lakewood. Once the clock hit 5:30 I jumped up and threw my apron off.

"Someone's excited" Laura chuckled.

Laura's the owner of the small town diner that I work at, which is actually pretty popular here. Both sides of the town tend to dine in here as it's pretty much in the middle of the dividing area. She was also my moms best friend growing up, they were inseparable. Laura pretty much took me in after my mom got sick, i've been working for her for a couple of years now. She's like a second mom to me, other than my aunt of course.

"I've gotta hurry, can't be late" I responded anxiously as I threw on my leather jacket and grabbed my helmet from the break room. Before I could make a run for the door Laura stopped in front of me and grabbed my face.

"Relax, you're going to do great sweetie. I know you'll make your mom and I very proud" Laura says as she places a small kiss on the top of my head causing me to calm down.

"Thank you" I softly smiled.

"Don't thank me, just go out there and kick some Lakewood ass" Laura says as she softly smacks my cheek.

"You've got it boss" I laughed before making my  way out the diner and jumping on my bike.

During our sophomore year, the band decided to raise some money for a van. That way we only used one car to carry all of our equipment for gigs. It's a beat up sack of shit but it's a part of us, and a plus is that I get to take my bike with me. I hurriedly raced down the street, making my way to the recording studio just in time.

As I pulled up I realized the place was packed with a bunch of people my age. From Pop groups to Heavy Metal kids, everyone was here to showcase their talents. I've never been the most confident musician, I always tend to have a bit of anxiety when it comes to preforming. So seeing this amount of people competing for the same thing put me a bit on edge but I instantly felt calmer once I noticed the old black van and my band mates chatting around it.

As I pulled up next to them I could see Kaylin jumping up and down excitingly.

"JJ you're here!!" Kaylin says as she brings me into the hug before I could even turn my bike off.

"Here and on time surprisingly" Katie says with a bitchy tone.

"When do the auditions start?" I asked ignoring the smaller girl.

"They already have, we're just waiting for our number to be called" Elliot responds showing a small piece of paper with the number twelve on it.

"How many bands are trying out?" I asked as I stared at the full parking lot. It was a pretty cool site to see. A bunch of people that love making music sitting around and jamming out as they wait for their turn.

"I think about twenty" Luka days before he adds "but only ten will make it through to the actual competition" He states.

"Okay, that's reassuring" I nervously say as I start scratching the back of my hand. It's a tick that I have when I start to feel my anxiety come through.

"Hey stop, we are going to do great. you need to stop doubting yourself JJ. You're the best guitarist in this goddamn state and you know it" Kaylin says as she intertwined our hands so that I stop scratching.

I wouldn't necessarily call myself the best but I do believe I'm very good at what I do. I've been playing since I was three, the second my parents could they signed me up for lessons. My mom used to play back in the day with her old band, they were pretty popular in town, that's actually how she met my dad. Playing reminds me of her, that's why I love it so much.

"I don't know about all of that but thank you Kay" I softly smiled in return.

"NUMBER 12!" the speakers spoke causing us to grab our equipment and start heading towards the indoor stage.

I was in awe the second I stepped into the building, there were posters of all the artists that they signed along with platinum records hung up along the walls and the most advanced recording equipment i've ever seen. I've always dreamed of being able to own one of these studios.

When we got inside there was a blonde lady waiting for us with a calming smile.

"Hello, 'retrograde' correct?" she asked for clarification.

"Yes ma'am, hi!" Kaylin quickly answered jumping in front and grabbing the lady's hand to shake it, causing the lady to laugh at the excited girls behavior.

"It's nice to meet you guys, my name is Jamie Rogers, I am the co-owner of firefly studios, this is Kurtis and Debby, my colleagues, we will be the ones watching your audition today" She spoke with a friendly tone.

"Nice to meet you ma'am, where would you like us to setup?" Elliot asked politely.

"Just up there is fine, whenever you're ready give it a go" She replied before sitting back in the seat next to the two other judges.

"Let's do this thing" Kaylin smirked.

"We are Retrograde!" Katie screamed into the mic before we started playing.

We played three songs before the judges told us that they've heard all they needed to hear. I wasn't really paying attention to how they were reacting while I was playing. I tend to zone out and get into a trance when I play, the only thing that I focus on is the way my fingers perfectly hit the notes and the way my pick slides as I start a solo, it's one of the only moments where I feel free. Kaylin always says that's why she loves watching me play.

As we started packing up a new group came in and started to introduce themselves to the judges, I didn't pay attention to them as I was busy placing all my pedals away. But out of nowhere I hear shouting and I turn around to see Luka and this guy throwing punches.

Elliot ran up and pulled Luka back as another boy the same size as Elliot did the same with the other guy.

"Watch who the fuck you're talking to asshole!" Luka shouts struggling against Elliot grip.

"What are you going to do? stab me and take my money? fucking Riverwood piece of shit" The other guy taunts with a douchey grin.

"What the fuck did you just call him?" I snap grabbing the boy by the collars and shoving him into the wall.

"Jada stop!" Kaylin shouts

"you're just some Riverwood trash that's going to end up sucking people off for a couple of pennies and dimes when you grow up, im not scared of you-"

I slammed my fist into his face causing a snap to be heard. He groans before shoving me off and punching me in my eye. I was about to get another hit in before I felt arms wrap around my body and pull me away.


We all stopped and looked to see Jaime standing there in utter shock and disappointment.

"You five out now!" She said in a stern tone as she points to our group.

"Bye bye" the boy says with a cocky smile as blood pours down his chin.

"You! shut up or I will not let your band try out, do you understand me" Jaime warns causing the boy to shut up.

As I began walking out I feel someone bump into my shoulder.

"Watch where you're going" A feminine voice said in a bitchy tone.

I was about to say something in return until my eyes met hers. I immediately felt my heart beat
start to quicken but I ignored it and shot her a glare before leaving the room.

Those assholes better not have ruined our chance.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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