Chapter 2

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Violets POV:

"Violet honey! Masons here!" I hear my mom shout from downstairs.

"I'm coming!" I shout back before looking over myself in the mirror again.

Everything needs to be perfect, I can't be out of line not even a little bit. My hair needs to perfectly fall over my shoulders, my makeup can't be too crazy or too bland, my uniform needs to be perfectly steamed, my posture must be correct and my teeth must be pearly and white. All things that I must do in order for me to be the best me that I can be.

Once i'm done making sure everything is perfect, I raced down the steps to see my mother and father in the kitchen.

"Good morning Father" I greet him first with a kiss on his cheek, i've made the mistake of greeting my mother first before, that resulted in a screaming match.

"Morning mom" I smile before wrapping her in a tight hug before she leaves me alone with my father.

"Good Morning Violet, your makeup seems a bit too much today hmm?" My father asks. His voice laced with disappointment making me internally wince.

"Sorry father I will go wash it off once I get to school" I respond, making sure my tone is perfect.

"Wonderful, I believe the Carter boy is waiting for you." my father states before turning his attention away. I've learned this is his way of telling me to leave him alone.

I quickly grab my things before heading out and jumping into Masons black bmw.

"Hey gorgeous" he smirks causing me to internally gag.

"Drive" I snap and stare ahead not allowing him to gain a reaction out of me.

"Yes ma'am" he responds before heading to our campus.

Once we got there I jumped out of Masons car, not allowing him to even have time to start another conversation with me. He's quite boring . As I walk through the halls I feel stares all on me, im used to them by now. Being the daughter of the Mayor can bring a certain amount of attention, plus i'm not necessarily the nicest person in the world.

Once I spot Leah by the lockers I immediately feel better as I run up to my best friend of 10 years.

"Hey V" She smiles as she returns the hug.

"You have no idea how awful my day has been already" I complain as she laughs and we start heading to our home room.

"Well it's our last day! Also, Have you heard of the competition that Firefly records is having?" Leah asks as we sit in our assigned seats.

"No, why?" I asked curiously.

I've been trying to get into Firefly records ever since I found out about their new location in town. Unfortunately, nepotism didn't help but i'm not too worried, I believe that i'm actually very talented. I've been making music since I could talk, it's what I was born to do.

"Well they're having a Battle of the Bands and the winner gets a record deal" Leah answers.

"Wait really?!"

"Mhm, you wanna try out?" Leah asks.

"Of course I wanna try out! you don't even have to ask" I exclaim.

"Shouldn't we speak with Dean and Mason first?" She asks.

"Ugh no, they'll do whatever we want, they're dumb boys" I respond rolling my eyes.

"Yeah true, it's open to everyone though so there's going to be bands from everywhere" Leah continues as I listen. 

I zone out after a while and spent the rest of my last day dreaming about winning that competition. This is my chance to not only prove my father wrong but to prove to myself that i'm capable of achieving my dreams. I won't let anyone get in the way of my dreams.


"Absolutely not" My father says angrily after I told him my plans on participating in the competition. We were in his office alone, I should've known to have done this in a more public space.

"What?" I asked as tears start brimming my eyes.

"You will not embarrass this family any further!"

"But father-"

"NO! you need to step out of this goddamn fantasy land that you live in and realize that you are not good enough and that your 'dream' is a load of made up bullshit! music is not a real job, you will follow in my footsteps and run for mayor once you graduate and if you disobey me I will make sure to make your life a living hell! do you understand me?" He yells as tears start rushing down my face.

"Yes father" I speak in a small voice.

"Good, now leave" He demands.

I nod and run out and towards my room, once the door slams I slide down it slowly and let my tears fall freely.

I cant believe that I was stupid enough to even think that I have a chance at competing, my father is right. I'm not good enough, i'll never be good enough and no matter how much I practice I will always be one step behind.

As i'm sitting in a puddle of self pity, I hear my phone ring. I somehow gain enough energy to pick my phone off the nightstand and check the caller ID. Once I read the name a smile immediately came over my face and I answered the phone.

"Hey sis!" Olivia, my older sister smiles as she sees me pop up on her screen.

"Hey" I respond, my voice breaking up due to the breakdown I was having seconds prior.

"What the hell happened?" My sister asked already getting angry over how upset I looked,

"Nothing, don't worry about it" I respond.

"Violet you tell me what happened right now or so help me god I will buy a ticket and fly down there right now" Olivia states.

"Its just dad, you know how he is" I said as if it makes the situation any better.

"What did he say this time?" She asks frowning.

"Leah told me about this Battle of the Bands competition that this record label is having and I wanted to enter our band because the winner gets a record deal and I told him about it and he just reminded me that it's a waste of time and that I need to focus on a real job" I fill her in.

The more I spoke the angrier she looked.

"Violet Martin you listen to me right now, do not listen to a word that that pathetic man has to say, do you hear me? you are the most talented and ambitious person that I know and i'll be damned if I let you give up on your dreams just because some sad middle aged dickhead told you that you're not good enough. you will be entering that competition and I'll be there watching you and cheering you on. do you understand?" Olivia says and I nod.

"Okay honey, let me know when it is and I will fly down there, yeah?"

"Yeah" I responded, my voice breaking as more tears run down my face.

"Don't cry V" Olivia frowns.

"Im sorry i just miss you so much" I say as I wipe my tears.

"I miss you too V"

After the call, I couldn't go to bed. I kept tossing and turning, contemplating on what I should do. As much as I want to please my father, I need to keep my promise to myself.

I will not let anyone get in the way of my dreams.

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