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I was so relieved to hear that, to be honest. I wouldn't be able to survive this world knowing that my mom hates me.

After breakfast, which, by the way, was perfection because my mom is the best cooker in the world. I went to my room to pick up the mess and also cleaned my bathroom.

I was listening to 'My name is human' from Highly Suspect, and the song made me pull out a canvas, and I started painting a galaxy with lots of purples and blue colors. While I painted with the same song on repeat blasting on the speaker as I sang my heart out, I missed lots of calls from my friends and many many messages. I finished the painting and knew that I was forgetting something but shrugged it off like it was nothing.

I always go into a bubble-like space that I can't hear a thing. I snapped out of it when the power went off, turning off the speaker that was playing the song. I heard heavy steps running up the stairs and then someone banging on my door. It was my mom. She banged on my door like a crazy lady who was about to be murdered making me flinch as I stood up and walked to it, unlocking the door and opening it.

"Eomma. What happened?!" I said, looking everywhere to see if we had someone robbing up. Not like I was going to be able to take them down. They would have made my mom watch me as I got beaten up and then murdered. She just scoffed and said.

"Look at the time, Jinnie! You are not even ready yet, and the boys have been standing outside waiting for you for 20 minutes now. I knocked on the door many times, but you with that loud music did not hear me. Hurry now!" My eyes went wide when I looked at my watch and saw the time. She was correct they must have been waiting for me a while. We were actually running late for the party since it was already 8:20pm. They must all be pissed at me, especially Han and Minho, since they want to win the king and queen awards of the night.

I then looked at my appearance in the mirror, thinking I was able to just change and leave a bit NO! I had paint all over my arms, and I was sweaty with how much I danced around to the song. My hair was wet, and I stank.

I skipped to the bathroom, and before I closed the door, I looked at my mom and said...

"Can you please tell them to just come in and wait for me here. I will be quick, I promise." She nodded and walked out of the room. Maybe with them waiting in my bedroom instead of outside in the cold will make them forgive me quicker? I am still screwed though.

I hoped for the best because an angry Hannie is not FUN, and Minho is even worse. Han, at least, is just annoying about it, making sure that you never forget that you did something wrong that involved him. He is also the one that would hit the back of your head if you are doing anything wrong.

Minho, on the other hand, He looks at you with such angry cat-like eyes that want to jump on you and scratch your eyeballs clean off your skull. He is scary sometimes, yes. But he is also the sweetest friend that someone could ever have. He will always be there for you no matter what you need. He is the kind of person who would help you hide a dead body if needed and then beat you for making him do that. He then will hug you when he is done and help you with the wounds, he himself created on you right after.

I literally have the best group of friends ever.

Chan is the person who would tell you the truth without sugarcoating it. He does not care if you don't like it at all.

Changbin is the person who you can get anything from no matter what it is if you invite him out to eat but be careful because I did it before and ended up with an entire routine of squats with him at the gym. I was sore for an entire week. I was unable to even go down the stairs and had to sleep on the couch for 7 days.

Seungmin is the one that listens everything you want to dish out, every little concern, or the reason of you being sad. He is the one to go to if you need someone to talk to when you most need it.

Last but not least. Our maknae, Innie. He is a walking rainbow. No matter how gray your day is or how blue you feel inside, he will make you feel like nothing happened. Every room he is in is filled with joy and positivity as soon as he enters it. His aura is so bright that it's contagious. He is always smiling, and to be honest, I have no idea how he is able to see because his eyes are closed all the time because he is smiling so BIG. hahaha.

And then there is me... They kept to himself, weirdo, that likes to be cooped up and never goes out. The one that never shared anything and has many mental breakdowns. I am the walking dark cloud. The shy one that will always be alone. My boring life consists of being forced to go out with my friends and stay in my room as I listen to music, paint, and draw. That is all I really like to do. I prefer to stay home rather than go out, that is why I space out when I do my favorite thing. My mom keeps telling me that I need to go out and enjoy my teenage years. Those years would never come back, and I would regret not doing it, but, to be honest, it is just not my thing. I want to study and have a good future not to go out and get drunk as I fool around with some random person.


My mom has already gotten my outfit ready. She made me choose between black and white button down. But I ended up choosing a vest. She told me that I looked like I was going to a funeral, but it is my favorite color. I got dressed and went out of the room where I could hear the guys complaining and whining.

When I opened the door, the first person I saw because he was sitting in front of it and fell down when I pulled it was Hannie.

"YOU BITCH!!! We are late and you were just PAINTING this MASTERPIECE?" I was so confused I was unsure if I should even believe what he was saying of my painting.

"JUST BECAUSE I LOVE YOU." He paused and looked and pointed at Minho squinting his eyes. "As a friend. I will drop it if I can have this painting!" He said calmer.

"You can have it as soon as it dies up. It is all yours." I said with a smile. He hugged me and thanked me for it.

The Painting. (Picture from my BFF Google)

"Thank you! By the way! you look HOT!" He whispered to my ear and pulled away running to his boyfriend

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"Thank you! By the way! you look HOT!" He whispered to my ear and pulled away running to his boyfriend.


To be continued!

The Graveyard. Hyunlix. ✔Where stories live. Discover now