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"You don't have to thank me, love. I also loved the way you made me feel today."

He just gave me his innocence, which is quite a unique thing to give to someone you've just met. Usually, people don't give away the most precious things without any reason. I believe there is a connection between us that led him to make such a gesture. Ever since I first saw him, he captivated me. Everything about him led me to get closer and be with him forever.

I gazed at him as he smiled and looked up at the sky. After that, I leaned closer until my nose touched his neck and breathed in his fragrance. His sweet, unique cotton candy smell.

"Do you see that star, Hyunjin?" He said as he pointed to a large whitish-yellow bright star.

"The bright one, love?" I said, and he hummed.

"Mjm. That's Venus, the planet." He paused and looked at me into my eyes. "Venus is also the hottest planet in the solar system. You are my Venus, Jinnie!"

"Am I?" I asked, and he nodded. "You know a lot about space, huh?" 

He gazed at the starry sky and said, "I have always been fascinated with space." I could tell by the way his eyes sparkled that he spoke the truth. I'm amazed by his intelligence, and he's also beautiful both inside and out.

"I am getting cold. Jinnie. Can I stand up now?" He said, looking back at me. 

"Yes, my love. I'm sorry." He was still sitting on my lap. 

I grabbed his waist and raised him, helping him stand up as I stood along with him. 

Then I pulled my dick out slowly, making sure that I did not hurt him.

I sat him back down on the bench and helped him get dressed. 

After he was ready, I got dressed. But something felt off. 

I was thinking about it when Felix started giggling behind me. I looked back, and he had caught a firefly, and I just watched him play with it. 

The area was too silent, and that is when I figured it out.

"FUCK!" I spat out as I tied my shows as fast as I could. 

"What is it, Hyunjin?" Felix asked.

"I can't hear the music anymore. Let's head back before the guys leave us behind."

He suddenly fell to the ground as he attempted to rise from the bench. Letting out a groan of pain, he turned to me for assistance. Without hesitation, I rushed over to lend a helping hand and helped him back up to his feet. 

"What happened, love?" I asked while I cupped his face with my hands.

"I just couldn't stand up, Jinnie. My legs gave up on me." He said between laughs, even though I did not find it funny.

"I am sorry. It is all my fault. I was the one who hurt you. I am so sorry, love!" Tears welled up in my eyes as I expressed my regret. Though I didn't mean to cause harm, I still feel terrible about the situation.

"How did you hurt me if I was the one on top? I did this to myself, and I am fine anyway!" He said as he dried the tears that were threatening to come out. 

"I know you were on top, but you are hurting because of me. It is because we had sex, and I was the one inside you." I said.

"Are you saying that you didn't enjoy it? Was it truly the worst thing you've ever done?" He asked, looking at me with a stern look on his face.

The Graveyard. Hyunlix. ✔Where stories live. Discover now