Chapter 2: Travelling in time

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The white light is almost painful to my eyes. It only forced me to shut them hard. Wishing Damon was here or I was with him there. I was also scared of what might happen or what I can see. If I was died I'd either be in heaven or...I really didn't want to think of the other 'or' cuz it would be hell. And I felt terrified just by the thought of it. Although, the worst thing right now is that I miss Damon, I miss hugging him and being safe.

But, something is wrong. I am just...nowhere. Literally, nowhere. It is all white and nothing exists.

I am wearing my black dress which I was put in the coffine with. I wish I was wearing the dress I wore at the wedding cuz I danced with damon wearing it.

I start walking on the non-existing floor towards the endless way.

I don't know how long am I gonna walk or till when.

This isn't heaven, nor hell. I must be stuck in between life and death. Kai must have done something. This is a phase.

I kept on walking calming my self. I felt hot wind so I hugged myself with my own arms shaking in fear and lonesome.

Suddenly, I began seeing something in the middle of no where. So, I run towards it as fast as I could.

It looked like a gaint clock only bigger and weirder. Instead of 12 numbers it had dates, years.

Only one clock pointer was there. It pointed towards an empty place.

I think thats where I am. Nowhere.

So, basically, if I moved it I'll go to these times.

"I'm not died." I whispered with relief. I had to keep calming myself.

My fingures moved to examine the huge pointer. I would bet it is made of steel. Maybe some witch powers created it. I started catching it and rounding it hardly until it stopped at 1858. My hand hurted so I started massaging it with my other hand.

I felt the world shake. My hands tried to reach for something to support me but I didn't find anything so I just fell down.

I closed my eyes in pain and when I opened them...

Everything was changed.

It wasn't the painful very white light. Instead, it was dark. Almost only the light of the moon was there.

I found myself in a barn! Horses were eating and I was sleeping on a pile of ash.

I quickly got up and cleaned my self tapping the short black dress I was still wearing.

I looked around me examining.

I started walking outside the stable which I found inside a garden of a house. A huge house.

A very old looking car that didn't exist in my days parked outside. I don't think it was a car though. It was more like a caret like the ones we see in movies.

"Hey!" I gasped at the sound of a young kid. I slowly turned around to see a blond noble child standing behind me. He was very tidy and gentle.

"I'm...I'm so sorry." I smiled at his beautiful angelic face.

"What are you doing at our house?"

"I...came here by mistake. I have to go. Sorry " I didn't know what to say at all. The kid looked very familiar.

"Who are you?"

"I'm...Elena. I'm just lost."

"Then hurry. If father saw you here, it would do you no good."

"I will. Thanks. How old are you?"

"Eleven years old." He replied childishly after keeping silent for little while. He was so damn adorable.

I heard footsteps so I paniced. "Where should I go?"

"Hide here." He pointed to a place behind a big pile of ashes. "That must be Mrs.Clementine, our housekeeper. But, you will have to leave when she's gone."

"I will, thanks."

"Mr. Salvatore! Where were you? I was looking for you everywhere."

"I was feeding mother's horse."

"Alright. Alright. It's late and you must be put to bed."

They soon left and I was shocked. I was at the Salvatores house!!

I felt happy. Atleast I can see them here. I smiled at the thought imaginging them both humans.

It is hard to picture Damon though.

I didn't know who was the eleven years old kid.

But, if he was Stefan then Damon must be 18. A teenager!!

I had to hide somewhere and try not to be caught cuz I told Stefan I will leave. The horses began to neigh and makes voices.

When I looked at them I saw that the weird time travelling clock was right in the place I was sleeping at earlier.

I walked outside the place and to the garden.

It was very dark at night, the streets weren't lighted as well.

I tried to sneek into the house.

I paced around to examine if there was an opened door.

Finally, at the back of the house there was a door not locked.

When I entered I found myself in an old kitchen with poor equipments but looked fancy.

No microwace, no dishwasher, no developed oven.

I just continued walking outside it and into the main house. The house was very beautiful and different.

Most of the lights were off. I found a lantern so I grabed it and slowly sneeked to the stares.

I was on the second floor now.

I heard people yelling, a man and a woman.

I hated eavsdroping but I couldn't help it. Their voice was very loud. The woman seemed crying and she was in pain will his voice was hard and angry.

"I'm dying, don't you see?" The woman cried. While his voice was muted now. "Stefan and Damon will have no one else. Because you are never a good father to them. You punished Damon again and he wanted to run away! Don't you see it?! I'm only afraid of death because you will be no good to them. My sons, my family...And you tell me I'm being weak?...I am weak. I am dying!! I'm sick and you know that. You are not even worried."

I heard her gasp. I recognized her voice. She is Mrs. Salvatore, Lily. For the first time I felt sorry for her.

Suddenly, I realized I've been caught.


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