Strange predicament

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A crowd forms below on the streets. I can see them running as some sort of hole starts to expand from the center. It seems to lead into a city. Not one from this universe though. You could tell it was otherworldly just from a view from a distance. The glowing blue that surrounded it, the seemingly inverted city, and the futuristic technology that emerged. I'm not sure how this happened but I know it'll cause the death our earth with how fast it expands. It seems like there's no avoiding it so I guess I'll take a sky dive.

The building I was on is tall. Combined with the depth of the portal, the drop is exhilarating. While falling people look in shock. It definitely isn't something you see everyday. My is getting head is getting dizzy, maybe the perspective change? Either way I seem to be falling up and not down. Like I'm bouncing off a giant trampoline. It felt fun for a second but when I saw the ground that was slowly approaching my I couldn't help but regret my decision. Well if I die at least I had some bit of fun.

Just as I accepted my fate, gravity suddenly stopped. My death had been intervened by some sort of ship being controlled by a woman. Didn't get a good look at her before I face planted into the ground. Luckily it wasn't deadly.

My eyes opened slowly adjusting to lights. A large high rise. The woman controlling the ship approached me with confidence. From the looks of it maybe in her late forties. I assume she is of high status because of her outfit. A pink suit. Not something to professional but it definitely makes an impression on someone. Her face looks nice but there's something cynical behind it.

"Hello darling," the lady said with a posh accent.
I responded with silence.
" I see you might still be a little freaked out, and I completely understand. I'll explain your predicament to you in little while. But while your here make yourself at home"

I thought it was a home but it looks to be more like a laboratory. Maybe she has something to do with these strange happenings

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