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Looking out the window, the pretty city which I once saw now looks depressing and distasteful. Still better than whatever cities earth was mustering up. Sort of dark and neon. Vehicles fly around at top speeds. Not only does the city reach the space skyline, it digs to the center of the planet. How they have this done is far beyond my comprehension. All I can do is admire and experience.

The lady said to make myself at home. She left half an hour ago based on my estimation. Maybe I'll have time to test out this new tech myself.

I didn't realize I had a watch on. Same mechanics as on my own earth, but with some more perks. Such as the touchable holographic display and a full body scanner.

A red light projects onto me. From head to toe a red light downloads my information. My eye and hair color, height, and even skin texture. Seeing as I'm not from here it doesn't have me the system. That leaves me with less than ideal features. Better than nothing.

The name of this city is "Tres-2a," the planet lumablis. The blinding lights must be the reason for the name. The watch shows me that the planet is ten times larger than earth. Exploring would be impossible in this lifetime. But all of these resources may make it possible. Now that earth is gone some new goals will have to be put in place.

From my observations there are many different types of advance tech. Biotech to edit genome sequences, nuclear tech based on the atomic bomb, and a sort Victorian style technology using steam powered machines. Most of these are just a fantasy on earth. These people have brought it to life. In my opinion the most interesting tech here is the one based on magic. Gifted people with gifted minds came up with this sort of tech. Surprisingly it's not used a ton. It's sort of frowned upon. People only use it in rural deserted communities. I assumed they're shunned from society. Maybe I'll visit one on my trip here.

All I've been doing since the woman was gone is research. This world is a dream come true. Luckily my impulsive and reckless decision lead me here. I wonder how this'll pander out for me. It could be dangerous, fun, maybe even life threatening. The only way to see what the future holds is to live through the present.

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