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     It wasn't a waiter that approached me, but a fish-shaped robot. It was super adorable. This restaurant must love pleasing their guests.
     My burger with a side of fries and lemonade arrived in less than 5 minutes. I ate it in the same amount of time.
      The cute robot came to ring me up and realized I didn't have any money. This might get me into a little trouble road. I tried to explain to the robot that I didn't have a card or cash on me but then it scanned my watch. I guess all technology here was condensed into little devices. I was able to leave a generous tip and make my way out the door.

I rode my bike around for quite some time, exploring the city and what not. But what caught my attention were the seemingly abandoned buildings. From my research this city has only existed for 5 years, so anything being abandoned seems unlikely. The one that looked the most interesting was the abandoned hospital. A sign was placed in front saying it was closed permanently, yet it was perfectly maintained. It was recently cleaned and the electricity was working fine. Before I head out of here I'll take a look around.
The sliding doors opened automatically and the place lit up. Interesting considering how dark it looked from the outside. It also wasn't a hospital. It appeared to be science lab. The first floor was barren but there was a door that lead somewhere else. It some sort of security measure to prevent anyone from breaking in. An ID scanner that scanned the watch. The lady that gave it to me has a high status, so I guess this is my only chance.
Not surprisingly it opened without question. The stairs lead to what resembled a factory. I saw tubes with water leading to tanks. Humanoid creatures were floating inside. Bodies that were in the shape of humans but mainly had fish features. Gills, scales, and fins. They were frozen in place. My stomach churned seeing the frozen bodies that had been captured. The mouths were stuck in a screaming position and eyes bulging. Why would that lady have access to something like this?
Creaking came from the other side of the room and I booked it hearing the noise. My bike was waiting and I made my way to the exit of the city. My original plan was to research the planet but the lady was more important.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04 ⏰

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