[9] The Royal Parade

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I woke up the next morning, still laid beside Toothless. He was still sleeping so I got up after kissing his forehead and went outside our room. I saw Stormfly with some fish.
She must've just gotten them for breakfast.
Luna: "Hey Stormfly."
She put the fish down and looked at me.
Stormfly: "What are you doing up so early?"
Luna: "I could ask the same to you."
Stormfly smirks.
Stormfly: "Me and Toothless takes turns getting fish throughout the day and since I'm usually responsible for breakfast, I get up early."
Luna: "Oh, I see."
I never really knew their relationship well so, I thought to ask.
Luna: "...So, how did you and Toothless met?"
Stormfly: "We never dated, if you're concerned about that."
Well this dragons smart...
Luna: "Sorry I just... didn't really know."
Stormfly: "It's fine. We were childhood friends. He was the last of his kind and I met him alone in some trees. After our first meet, I came by to visit him everyday, trying to keep him company."
Luna: "With someone like him for that long, you truly never developed feelings for him?"
Stormfly: "I considered what it'd be like with him, romantically I mean. But I didn't feel like we were a good match. A deadly Nadder and a Nightfury, not a couple you'd see everyday walking around. Besides I always saw him as a younger brother, someone who's annoying but goofy in a good way at the same time."
I laughed a bit at this. I haven't seen him act goofy since he's always been presenting himself formally to me. Has he been trying to impress me from the start?
Luna: "I don't think I've ever gotten to see that side of him."
Stormfly: "That's because he's in love with you and doesn't want to embarrass himself."
Luna: "...Doesn't that mean he's not truly being himself?"
Stormfly shrugged.
Stormfly: "He's still being himself just, without the goofy bits."
Luna: "And if I wanted to see his funny side?"
Stormfly: "You'll get to at this parade, he's a TERRIBLE dancer."
We both laughed.
Luna: "How bad?"
Stormfly: "Like, a Deathgripper trying to be a ballerina."
I laughed again. Now I was really curious and excited to see how he danced.
Toothless came out of our room and saw us both as he sat down beside us.
Toothless: "Good morning."
Stormfly: "Ah Toothless, we were just talking about how good of a dancer you are!"
Toothless: "...I'm going to punch you."
Stormfly: "You wouldn't hurt a fly."
Toothless's face immediately filled with guilt as he looked at the ground.



Yet I nearly killed a dragon. I nearly abandoned all my principles, all my promises, because I got mad I was hit.

Luna seemed confused, but Stormfly could tell what my reaction to her saying that had meant.

Stormfly: "Luna, do you mind if me and Toothless talk for a little?"
Luna: "I don't mind. I'll be waiting outside, okay?"
Stormfly nodded at her and she went outside. Stormfly sat beside me and wrapped a wing around me.
Stormfly: "What happened?"
I told her what had happened at the "Dragon Tournament", how I nearly killed a dragon out of pure anger.
Stormfly hugged me and tried to comfort me.
Stormfly: "Toothless."
I looked at her.
Stormfly: "The fact you even fought the urge to kill a dragon that was actively trying to kill YOU shows how kind of a dragon you are. I promise you, no matter what, you're always a good dragon, you'll never turn into one of those ruthless Deathgrippers."
I smiled.
Toothless: "Thank you Stormfly."
I realized that Luna never called me a good dragon. ...Why would I expect her to? Well, I don't but, it's just a nice feeling.
Me and Stormfly got up and started walking outside.
Toothless: "Think Luna will ever call me a good dragon?"
Stormfly: "Maybe she will in bed~"
I punched Stormfly in the face right as we got outside. I immediately rushed to her side and started apologizing but she just laughed it off and told me it was okay.
Luna: "Uh, what was that for?"
Stormfly: "Oh, just a joke."
Stormfly smirks at me as I glare at her.
Stormfly: "Anyways, we're going to be late if we don't hurry!"
We all flew off towards the parade.

Until I found You [Toothless x Lightfury]Where stories live. Discover now