[15] All or Nothing

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Stormfly woke up first and got me and Luna up from bed soon after. We planned for the date to happen in a few hours from now, so we decided to review the plan.
Stormfly: "So, you and Luna will have a date North of the Kingdom. You'll purposely bring attention to yourselves and make it obvious where you two are at. The guards will very likely get reinforcements and inform the Queen of your location. That's when you two will find some open plain with trees surrounding it. I'll hide in those trees, and ambush them when they arrive to fight. This is going to be all or nothin, no holding back."
Luna nods as they both look at me for a response.
Toothless: "If anything goes wrong, you two leave immediately."
Luna looked at me with a concerned expression.
Luna: "What about you...?"
I looked away from them and repeated myself.
Toothless: "If anything goes wrong, you two will make a break for it and leave, no hesitation."
Before they have a chance to say anything, I get up.
Toothless: "Let's get going."
I walk outside the cave and luckily they don't try to say anything back to me as we fly off North. While in the air, me and Luna talk for a bit.
Luna: "...Todays the big day."
I smile at her, trying to comfort her.
Toothless: "We'll be fine Luna, I won't let anything happen to the either of you."
I motioned towards Stormfly, who was flying a bit far up ahead.
Luna: "Well if anything does go wrong Toothless, I just want you to know-"
I cut her off.
Toothless: "Nothing will go wrong, save it for after we shove it to the Deadly Stinger."
I knew what she was gonna say anyways.


About an hour later we get into position. We'll have some time alone, me and Luna. I decided to treat it like a normal date until a guard sees us.
Toothless: "Since we're gonna have some time alone, would you like to walk around for a bit?"
Luna: "Sure!"
She nodded and smiled, it was nice seeing her smile again. We walked around the forest, looking at flowers and taking in the scenery around us until we heard footsteps. Me and Luna looked at each other and nodded to one another.
Time to release the bait.
I stood up tall and let Luna tackle me. Once I fell, I made a loud thud which alarmed the guards. We heard their footsteps stop, then heard them slowly going away, without a doubt getting the reinforcements.
We both then got into position, finding an open field with enough trees around for Stormfly to hide. Luna took a deep breath and looked at me.
Luna: "This is it..."
I tried to smile at her and comfort her.
Toothless: "Just stick to the plan and we'll be fine. Don't worry about anyone else besides yourself."
Luna nodded back at me and we both looked out, preparing for the fight that was about to ensue.


I heard heavy footsteps coming our way as me and Luna give each other one final smile.


Quella, The Deadly Stinger, and quite a few Deathgrippers walked through the trees and slowly moving towards us.
Deadly Stinger: "You have one last chance to back down, Toothless."
Toothless: "Never."
Quella: "Y'know sister, maybe I'll give you a pardon if you betray that Night-"
Luna: "I'm done listening to you, brat!"
Quella glared at Luna as the Deadly Stinger smirked. The Deathgrippers spread out and encircled us as the Deadly Stinger and Quella approached me and Luna.
They fell for it.
Stormfly suddenly launched from a tree and slammed her tail hard into a Deathgripper knocking it out as she easily cut the throat of another nearby.
Stormfly: "Now!"
Stormfly immediately started rushing at all the Deathgrippers, getting their attention focused on her. Luna tackled Quella, and I ran straight at the Deadly Stinger and roared loudly at him.
Deadly Stinger: "This'll be fun~"



After taking two out of the 8 Deathgrippers of the picture, I immediately got in the middle of the remaining six and diverted their attention. They circled around me slowly getting closer.
They underestimate me, they're about to regret that.
I yet again used the element of surprise to my advantage as I quickly turned around and shot spikes from my tail which hit a Deathgripper straight in the eye, making him roar and fly off. They all charged at me at once, so I quickly flew upward as they all collided. I kept shooting spikes from my tail at them, but the 5 Deathgrippers all raised their wings to protect themselves. One of them was able to make some space and shot a fireball at my side. I roared out of pain and began to stagger... but I managed to keep myself in the air and quickly responded with my own fireball. It didn't hit the Deathgripper as I narrowly missed him, but he flew off out of fear as I heard another Deathgripper curse at him.
Just 4 left...

Until I found You [Toothless x Lightfury]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora