Part 34

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She moved quickly , as though jumping into a pool, throwing herself at him with all her body, lifting her lips to his at the same moment he wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her against him, kissing her right back, his mouth dominating hers, claiming it and holding it.

Shards of something like certainty burst through him, because something about that kiss on this beach felt a thousand kinds of right and he knew then that he'd brought her here for this exact reason.

Not because he'd thought they'd have sex, but because there was something so pure and right here, that it felt like a place to be free of all the restrictions that had been dogging them ever since she arrived in his office and suggested this marriage.

His tongue duelled with hers, tasting her, flicking her mouth, as his hands drew her down onto the sand, a fierce need erupting inside of him, demanding more, making him want her a thousand times over, so he rolled her onto her back, the water lapping gently at their feet as he kissed her, tasting her sweetness and being deluged by memories of that long-ago night when a similarly urgent need had rolled through them.

She made a whimpering noise that sent his senses into overdrive, so he pushed at her shirt, gliding it up her body until she lifted her head off the sand so he could remove it altogether, revealing her beautiful breasts contained in a lacy bra.

He groaned, the sight one he wanted to hold in his memory for all time. He savoured the moment of seeing of her just like this, with the sun striking rays of gold across her body, her eyes glinting with sensual heat, and then he kissed her again, running his hands over her, feeling the softness of her skin, the smoothness of her hips, before he pushed at her shorts and she lifted her hips, inviting him to remove them, kicking her legs to get them off faster, until she was wearing only a pair of briefs and a bra and his own pulse was so frantic he wondered if he might be about to have a heart attack.

But wild horses were at his back, and Lalisa's frantic cries were passion-soaked and urgent, so he moved his lips to her throat, then lower, flicking his tongue over her decolletage, tasting her sweet saltiness, then to her breasts.

Through the fabric of her bra, he clamped his teeth around her nipple and felt a wave of masculine possessive heat when she shuddered against him, and suddenly this wasn't enough. He needed so much more.

He pushed at the fabric urgently, releasing her breasts, cupping them, holding them, feeling their weight in his hands, rubbing his hands over her puckered nipples so she arched her back in silent invitation and he brought his mouth to hers, swallowing her cries as water lapped at their feet, gently, warm, heavenly sweet.

He was urgent, there was something wild and frantic driving him, something that was completely beyond his control. He pushed at her underpants, sliding them down her legs, his breathing forced, rushed, as he stared at her then, naked beneath him, so stunning and pale against the sand, so trusting and so completely his.

He groaned, because even when this felt so inevitable and right, on some level it felt wrong too, because she was Minho 's sister and he'd already had to make his peace with what their relationship had morphed into.

Guilty or not, he surrendered, pushing out of his own clothes quickly, until he was naked before her, his arousal straining, hard and desperate, and her eyes, so round in her delicate face, fell to it, to him, staring as though she'd never seen a man before.

'Jungkook,' she moaned, lifting her hands, reaching for him, her cheeks pink, her lips swollen from his kisses. 'Please.'

But right as he was about to succumb, to give them both what they wanted, reality burst into his brain, well-worn habits drawing him to a stop. 'I don't have any protection,' he hissed, cursing himself for not bringing his wallet. Her cheeks grew pinker.

HER ONLY HOPE (LK Adaptation)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant