Part 58

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She nodded, her heart bursting. 'That sounds like heaven to me.'

Much later, with their feet in the balmy water of the Aegean, the sky dusky pink and orange, Lisa's phone began to ring. She lifted it from her back pocket, frowning at the unfamiliar number, then swiped to answer.


'Is this Mrs. Jeon ?'

She smiled up at Jungkook , her heart full to the brim, because she really was Mrs Jeon , in every bone of her body, and all the cells of her heart. 'Yes indeed.'

'It's Dr Baros.'

'Oh, hello, Doctor,' she smiled, having forgotten all about the incident in her studio that morning. Truly, it felt like a lifetime ago.

'I've just seen the results of your blood tests—'

'And everything's fine?' Lisa  pre-empted.

'Well, yes...' The doctor hesitated. 'Only, I think I've discovered the reason you fainted.'

'I've been pushing myself too hard,' Lisa  supplied.

'Perhaps, but that's not the sole reason.'

'It's not?' She wrinkled her brows, ignoring Jungkook 's concerned expression. Then, to placate him, she put it on speaker. 'Doctor? Jungkook  is here too. I've put you on loudspeaker.'

'And you're happy for him to hear this?'

She looked at Jungkook , nodding. Whatever concerned her, concerned him too. They were partners, a pair. That was how it would always be. 'Yes.'

'Then congratulations. You're pregnant, Lisa .'

Lisa 's knees wobbled beneath her, and Jungkook  made a strange sound, his eyes shining, and then he smiled, the biggest, most genuine smile she'd ever seen, so there was no doubt in her mind as to how this news affected him. For her part, it was as though lightning bolts were firing all through her body. She was coming alive in a way that made her feel that her seams might burst.

'Pregnant,' she repeated, shaking her head in wonder.

'I take it this is a surprise?'

'You could say that.'

'Have you had any other symptoms?'

'Well, the thought of food has made me feel absolutely nauseated for about six weeks.'

The doctor laughed. 'That explains it.'

'I can't believe it.' Lisa  shook her head, smiling from ear to ear.

'You can come and see me tomorrow, to go through the prenatal information...'

'I'm not in Athens right now,' Lisa  murmured, squeezing Jungkook 's hand.

'We will come back immediately,' he interrupted.

'It's not urgent.' The doctor's smile could be heard through the phone. 'Everything looks fine. Your blood tests show as great, in fact. Iron, Vitamin D, everything looks to be perfect. Only try to find something you can stomach the idea of eating—for the baby's sake.'

'I will.' Lisa  nodded.

'And book an appointment some time in the next fortnight. We'll do a scan and go over things in more detail.'

HER ONLY HOPE (LK Adaptation)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin