Chapter 74: Frigid Waters

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» [ Safe and Sound - Taylor Swift ] «

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───── ❝ K I L L I A N  W I L D E ' S P O V ❞ ────

║ Gregorian Calendar ║ 02 - 28 - 2027 ║

║ Sunday║ Third Day of Olympia's Cup║

The metal door towered over us, rising high into the gloom of the cavernous chamber that had lain undisturbed for centuries. It stretched the width of the cave, bolted firmly shut with bands of rusted iron fasteners that had long since seized in place. Not a single handle or keyhole marred its face, nothing that would suggest a normal means of opening. The only object attached was a strange rotating mechanism made of interlocking brass gears and iron rods, fixed to the door at head height. It appeared to be some kind of puzzle lock, the solution to which would allow the door to slide open on ancient mechanisms within the stone walls.

The door's metal surface seemed to absorb the little light that penetrated this far into the chamber, giving it an ominous, impenetrable aura. A chill ran down my spine as we stared at the door, our hopes —and fears — trapped behind the puzzle that stood between us and what we sought. The treasure or knowledge on the other side could change the course of history, but first we had to solve the lock's ancient riddle. 

Time, however, was not on our side, for I sensed something sinister lurking in the shadows of these walls, drawn by the ancient secrets of the lock. 

As we studied the puzzle, I could almost feel unseen eyes watching from the darkness, hungry for those who would dare disturb this place. 

This lock was our only way forward, but it may also be our doom.

Yet, setting my fears aside for now, I stand before the large wooden door with the strange rotating puzzle lock attached as there seems to be no other way forward in our quest to find the missing piece of the map, aside from this shit. 

 But we had come too far to turn back now, led here by clues in the fractured map. So with a deep breath, I steeled myself and approached the door, determined to solve the puzzle and see our venture through to its end, come what may.

"There are scratches and grooves from years of trial and error, which means that others have attempted this puzzle..." I said, running my fingers along the furrows as I spoke. With my hands over the rough surface, searching for some hint of a mechanism or catch that would release the lock. The silence was deafening as me and my team stand here, the stillness broken only by the scratching of my fingers searching every inch of that imposing barrier that stood between us and whatever secrets lay waiting on the other side.

The ominous ticking echoes through the chamber as we stare at the metal door, its handle taunting us. An elaborate puzzle lock is attached, a monstrous contraption of gears, wheels and chains. We have minutes to solve it before the trap is sprung. But, three wrong moves and the door will slam shut, trapping us forever in this cursed place. We had to be wary.

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