Loki x Reader 'Useless' 5

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Welcome to part 5!~:3

In the last part loki woke up and met you and after a bit talking loki asks if there was anyone else where you found him and then you tell him about the "huge green monster"...

Loki: Ah I see...do you have any details about what he did?

(Y/n): Well y-yes... he screamed like only a monster could and he looked around hastily...I suppose he was searching for you, b-but he couldn't see us because we were in a hole in the ground.

Loki: Hole?

(Y/n): Yes. I suppose you fell from the sky and created that hole and when I saw you lying down there I climbed down to you to see if you were okay...a-and then when I saw that...beast...I took you and ran as fast and quiet as I could. And you know the rest. And if I am allowed to ask...why was this guy after you?

Loki grinned because of your innocence.He thought it was adorable how shy you were. But he wouldn't dare saying that out loud.

Loki: That dumb green oaf was Hulk. In his normal form he is a standard human and a great scientist but if he gets angry he transformes in this gross green moron. In that form he is really strong but he is dumb as a tree. And to answer your question, I had a little argument with his little friends and so I decided to leave them alone~ But it seem I was a bit too careless with that busted green creature. But anyway I am thanking you for your kindness and I admire your courage. You blushed again but turned your head so your (h/c) was covering your red cheeks.

(Y/n): A-A-Ahh! Y-Y-You don't n-need to t-thank me for t-that!! It was obvious that I was going to help! If he had found you, you might be...

Loki: ...dead? He laughs a bit I doubt that...Thor wouldn't let that happen, as sentimental as he is. You see Mrs.(last name), Thor thinks he is my brother so he won't ever allow the green brute to kill me.

(Y/n): Well i'm glad to hear that. And please you don't need to call me by my last name...just call me (first name). I mean if you w-want!

Loki laughed again because of your cuteness. Even if you were living alone, he thought you were very pretty. Your (h/l) (h/c) hair was very clean and silky and your (e/c) eyes looked like stars in the night sky. Of course Loki would never allow himself to say something like that but that can't stop him from thinking.

A few days later, after Weekend, (Y/n) had to go to work again so she went in "Loki's" room and told him that she was going but Loki stopped her.

Loki: (Y/n) if I would be you I wouldn't go out for the next few days.

(Y/n): W-What? But why?

Loki: You see...since I had a little argument with those other guys-

(Y/n): What?? Wich others? Then you noticed you had interrupted him Uh-sorry for interrupting you Loki...

Loki: Nevermind, well it would be too complicated to explain you...the fact is, they are dangerous. And many. They probably know that I had a fight with Hulk and that I am injured. So they are going to search for me. And if they see you they will find out that you have something to do with me. They will defenently hurt you.

(Y/n): I'll be very carefull. I just need to go a while through the woods and then I will see a street. But I really need to go to work. It will be alright.

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