[LE SSERAFIM - Chaewon] How To Save A Life

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TW: This story delves into heavy subject matter - namely illness, death and grief. Reader discretion is highly advised. Friendly reminder that getting regular checkups is never a bad thing; detection and prevention is always better than cure.

A/N: For the intended effect, I'd recommend listening to this cover while you read.

"Are you there?"

I sharply inhale as I'm brought back to the present by the stern voice.

"Ah, yes, I'm sorry. What was the question again?" I try my best to be as polite as possible despite my lack of orientation.

My interviewer, a formally-dressed man with a thinning head of black hair, adjusts his glasses. "Why did you decide to choose medicine?"

I chew on my lip, making an active effort not to fidget with my fingers. I search the clinical white walls of the office I'm sitting in for an answer which doesn't come.

"I made a promise to someone," I answer. "And I intend to keep that promise."

"Your parents, perhaps?"

I shake my head, shifting in the lone chair I'm sitting on, in front of my interviewer's office desk.

"Just someone important to me."

"I see," my interviewer nods. "You are aware of the challenges this course will put you through, aren't you?"

"Yes, sir."

"And naturally, you're also aware that a simple promise isn't enough to pull you through your six years as a medical student. Even those with a passion for the craft simply crack under the pressure and give up midway."

"I am aware, sir, yes." Behind my cordial smile, I hide the sting of his words on me. This is nothing, Y/N. There'll be much, much worse in coming years.

Do it for her.


"And this is your dorm room. I'll let you get settled in."

I thank the staff who gave me the campus tour before entering the dorm room numbered 071.

The dorm room is pretty small, but liveable. Two beds sit lined up against the left wall. The walls are a pasty white, accentuated by the fluorescent lights and the morning sun peering in from the window on the far wall. On the bed further from the door lies another student, dressed in a The 1975 hoodie. As he notices my entrance, he springs up from the bed.

"Oh hey, you're the freshman, are you?" His voice pierces the prior silence like a heated knife through melted butter.

"That's me," I reply, slightly awkward.

He approaches me with a hand extended. "I'm Kim Woosung, but my friends call me Sammy."

"Pleasure meeting you," I reply, taking his hand in a handshake. "I'm Jo Y/N. What year are you in?"

"Third." He walks back over to his bed and slumps down on it. "Livin' on a prayer, you know what I'm saying?"

A Bon Jovi reference. No guesses needed for what his music taste probably is.

"Anyways, that's your bed, and your desk," he says as he points lazily at both the items of furniture respectively. "You'll be having a bunch of late nights, but you'll get used to them. Thursday nights you get the place to yourself, that's my band's jam night."

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2023 ⏰

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