[1] the arrival

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[Quackity POV]

I look at the head guard with a little bit of surprise

"A new prisoner, you say? Well, what do I have to do with it?"
Sam looked back at me "Nothing too much, you'll have to lead him to his cell."
I with angrily "Why me!? I already finished my night shift, I should be going home right now!"

"Because nobody else would have the courage to take him." Sam answered calmly.

Fucking hell. A another high class criminal.
"OH GREAT IM A SACRIFICE!" I yell. As I'm about to stand up and leave, Sam stops me.

"I'll make sure you get paid extra for this."

I was sure my eyes just sparkled. Hmmm, an extra money just for taking a prisoner to his cell?

"I'm in."


The criminal didn't seem any different from others.

A reddish light skin that made him look like a fucking vampire, dark brown hair and eyes with glasses on them, then his tall, slenderish body. Not gonna lie, he looked quite handsome.

I took him into the cell and closed the gate.

"Hey, mate. How do you open and close those" the man behind the bars asked, faking an interested expression.

"With a key, dumbass." I awsner. God, I just want to sleep.

"Wow, you are allowed to talk to prisoners like that?" He looked at me with a silly evil grin.

"Technically, I am not working here now. My shift ended like an hour ago, but I had to take you in. Do you think I have the time and the energy to act nice to you?" I angrily shove the key into the uniform's pocket.

"Fair enough." He says as I walk away.


I lay back in my little bed and just pass out right away. Wow, this was a exhausting night.

Next morning


Thank fucking god this time it's a day shift. I spend the last day and night just sleeping, or eating. (he's a mood frfr)

I walk into the prison, saying hello to everyone.

Karl immediately ran up to me. He was a new guard, but if really just a ball of energy and stubborness. We became friends soon after him joining our team.


"Yeah- what's so special about him?" i asked.

"Didn't you realize? It's Siren. The siren." he stared at me like he just saw me shoot innocent birds. (HAHAHA TCFSV REFERENCE???)

"Who the fuck is Siren?" I stared back in huge confusion.

"You don't know him? The guy, that burned and exploded churches?" Karl looked at me in even bigger surprise.

"And also exploded the building of the last years' "the ball of the prome" event in L'manburg." Sapnap added, walking by.

"Oh yeah- that guy- wait, he finally got caught?" I was surprised that a criminal of what, 5 years? Maybe more? Would be caught after escaping police multiple fucking times.

"Yeah, Sam was a part of that mission, actually." Sapnap and Karl seemed excited to talk about it. XD, they were so childish.

"Well, cool? I guess?" I say walking away before they say anything else.

A another day at work.

532 words

Honestly proud of myself trying to put this idea in a book, it has been  H A U N T I N G  me for a month.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed it, and see you on the next chapter! :)

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