[3] Change of plan

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[Quackity POV]

I looked at the cafe that me and Schlatt always met up for bussiness.

This cafe was being controlled by a few members of our group, so you could always get a little corner to talk about missions and shit.

I walk in and immediately walk up to the counter.

"Ah, Quackity! Nice to see you again!" Ranboo greeted me "what would you like?"

"Ah, as mostly, a shot of bussiness" I awsner sarcastically.

"Mhm, of course! Schlatt is Already here, waiting for you. Anything You'd like for the meeting?" They smiled.

"Nothing, thank you for asking" I say before   nicely ending the conversation and waloing over to the special tables, obviously for talks like this.

Ranboo is a very nice person, though when it comes to dark bussiness and crime, he's one of our professionals.


Schlatt greets me and I sit down, across from him.

"Looking as good as always, pumpkin!" Schlatt grinned.

"And You as ugly as you were two weeks ago, when we last met." I awsner.

Schlatt has always showed me more attention than other members, and I have told him that I am not interested multiple times. Though, he seems to never listen.

"Ahhh :(" Schlatt faked a sad expression, then immediately went dead serious. "Anyways, back to why I called you here. It has reached my and other headquarters' ears that there has been a big change in your little prison?"

I scoff. "Yeah, sure."

Ranboo walked over and gave Schlatt his drink.

"Thank you, big man" Schlatt smiled at Ranboo before they left.

"I assume you already saw the new prisoner, Mr. Soot?" Schlatt took a sip out of his beer.
"Of course. he is a prick, in my opinion. Tried to talk me into unlocking his cell." I scoff loudly. "My XD, i heard he burned and exploded about 43 churches."
"Do you think you can make him join our escape plan?"


"And that's all." Schlatt said and then started coughing so fucking loud I thought He'd die or some shit. "Sorry, just have been talking a lot the past few days."

I just sat there and thinker for a few moments.

"So we changed half of the plan for some arsonist that may not even agree?" i looked at Schlatt.

"Yeah, kind of- listen here, Quackity. He is the perfect person we need. And you fucking know that. Can you try to convince him?" Schlatt stared back at me.



411 words

YOOO ANOTHER CHAPTER!!!!!!! Also edited a few things in the first chapters.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed, byebye! :)

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