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[Wilbur's POV]

It has already been a week since I've been here, and it's actually pretty fun!

I already have some friends here, 5 to be exact.

Dream, the little arsonist boy. He has a pretty long history of burning people alive, which well, is. . . Something. . .

Then his companion George, who apparently took the police a lot of time to catch- honestly, he's impressive.

And there's Darryl, or BBH, who was charged for multiple murders that he didn't do. Honestly, i feel bad for the guy.

My newest friend was Karl, one of the guards. He's really nice, but also, did not fall for my puppy eyes trick. It's okay though, it's not like I want to leave already- :/

The food here is shit, even worse than in my Catholic orphanage. But let's just stay positive.

Also, the cute guard, Quackity.. He also seems to be more nice to me recently. Dream also said that he was Now more..'overprotective' when it comes tp me. He said that this was very rare for him. It's weird- I feel like there's something more to that handsome serious face. //Simpbur Mode unlocked xD//


I get up from my bed and look at the little box near the bed. Tommy has sent me some things that I'll need while I'm still here. God, im so happy for having such a caring brother.

I look into the box.

Nothing that's not allowed.

A new pack of toothpaste, some more shower gel, my beanie(?????), and some other stuff.


Ahh, outside time.

We walked into the big field area with bars and a lot of things to entertain. Honestly, I'd rather just stay inside, but I cannot go against the rules.

I sat away from the whole crowd, because I saw a few frowers growing in the little field area. It was surprising that the flower was still there. It didn't fit with the feeling of this place.

I sigh "Life finds a way" I was about to stand up when I hear extreme yelling.

A fight broke out between a few prisoners, though others were joining in. The guarda obviously tried to stop them, but it didn't seem to be working. Suddenly I felt like I should accompany the flowers a little more.

A few guys started punching and pushing eachother pretty much beside me, so I decided to stand up. But before I did, I was pushed back down by some flying guy.

The man rolled over me and then away.

I slowly stood up, my back hurt a little, probably since the guy literally flew into it, but otherwise, I was just a little light-headed.

Two guarda immediately ran up to the ones fighting and me, asking if I was okay, I just nodded.

Oof, that was a wild outside time.



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⏰ Last updated: Aug 17, 2023 ⏰

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