Chapter 2: A New Area

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Axavia peaked through into a brand new area. It still didn't look like the way out. She frowned. She climbed down the ladder into this new place. It looked like the parking space of a building. What is this place she's trapped in? She looked around and saw a few crates. Maybe they had something she could use in them! She walked over to one of the crates and pried it open. It had food, some bottles presumably with liquid inside, and other resources. Yes! Just what she needed! Axavia grabbed some of the food and ate it immediately. It felt so good to have food again.

She picked up one of the bottles of water and observed it. The label on the bottle read 'Almond water'. Well, it was better than nothing. She gulped down some of the almond water. It didn't taste too bad, it was kinda sweet tasting actually, and it seemed to be safe. There were no other drinks, so she guessed she would just have to drink the almond water. She took some of the other materials that she may need out of the crates. She found a brown messenger bag in one of the crates and put her items in it. She threw the bag over her shoulder and continued on.

She has to find a way out of here and get back home. Everyone would be worried if she didn't come back. She misses them so much. Walking further through this place, Axavia found more crates with supplies, clothing and other items. She took as much as she could with her, leaving whatever she couldn't take behind.

A couple hours into exploring, Axavia started feeling something watching her again. It made her feel uneasy. As far as she was aware, there was nothing else here besides her and the occasional supply crates. What was causing this feeling? Axavia decided it would be best to be alert as she walked, just in case something or someone was here too.

In some hallways she found some crude paintings hung up on the walls and some sitting on the floor. Eventually, she found an extended hallway that was longer than the others. It had a door at the end! Maybe this would be the way out! Axavia raced towards the door and swung it open. It was most definitely not the way out. She was hesitant to go through the door as what lay before her looked dreadful.

The door led to what looked like maintenance tunnels. The walls had pipes all along them with a few ventilation ducts. The ducts looked like they had some sort of black liquid oozing out of them. Not a very welcoming sight. Without any other option, she took a deep breath in and stepped through the door.

The feeling of something watching her from before was still there as she walked. She was accompanied by noises heard from the ducts. What was causing those noises, she had no clue. It had started getting darker the further she went, so she decided to take out a flashlight she got previously from her bag.

In one of the dark corners of a hallway, she saw a glowing face that had a big smile. It seemed to be getting closer. She backed away slowly, staring at it, her body shaking slightly. She turned off her flashlight since it seemed to be attracted to the light. This made the thing stop in its tracks. After waiting for a bit, the thing went away and Axavia continued down the tunnels.

Wandering further, she turned down a tunnel, then stopped in her tracks. She heard a low growling coming from down the hall.

'What was that..?' She thought to herself.

Axavia hesitantly took a few steps further down the hall before coming to a stop. Something turned around the corner into the hallway and looked towards her direction. It was as if it locked onto her. She started backing away slowly before turning around into a full on sprint as the creature started chasing her viciously. It was like it was hunting her down. Whatever this thing was, it definitely wasn't friendly.

The hostile creature chased her down a multitude of tunnels and sharp turns. Axavia could hear her heart pounding in her ears as she tried to escape. The creature clawed at her feet as it bounded closer. Eventually, it was able to claw the back of her leg. The pain stung but she had to keep going. She didn't want to die, not now. Running off of pure adrenaline, she eventually ran into a tunnel that had a door at the end. This could be an exit, or at the very least an escape from the creature! She had to get through that door! When she had made a sharp turn into the tunnel it had created a bit of distance between her and the creature; this was the perfect opportunity to get away! She dashed towards the door, opening it and slamming it quickly in the creature's face. She could hear it scratch at the door before it eventually gave up and left. She slid down the door and let out a huge breath she was holding in. She was safe now.

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