Chapter 5: sleepover in the hotel

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Axavia opened the door and walked through. This new place was fancy and had a very different atmosphere than the previous areas. Taking everything in, she could see that she was in what looked liked a hotel lobby. She was getting a little overwhelmed at how high class the place felt and looked. There was a medium sized black round table in the middle of the room. The table had a vase with some flowers in it sitting on top. Next to both sides of the table were seating areas with striped cream white sofas.

Axavia walked over to one of the seating areas and sat down. She took her brown messenger bag off that held all her items and placed it on the space next to her. Jovial flew around, looking at the interior of the hotel lobby. Axavia relaxed her shoulders and sunk into the sofa. She didn't realize she had been so tense. She closed her eyes and took slow, deep breaths. She had become quite fatigued after everything.

Axavia opened her eyes after a few minutes and looked around at the mahogany red and gold ornate wallpaper that lined the room. The walls all held small, aged paintings. It was so pretty, she couldn't help just staring at how fancy the room was. [Redacted] would probably like this place, Axavia thought to herself. She wished she would be back home with everyone already. Axavia hated being trapped in this weird place. This weird... reality. She looked at the antique sofa she sat on, admiring it. Jovial flew back over to her after having spent a while just looking around the lobby. It fluttered down to sit next to her. She looked down at Jovial, a tired expression on her face. She sighed. She doesn't know how long it's been since she ended up here. She lost track of time after a while. It feels like she's been here for hours. She looked towards the door and windows behind her. They showed the same white void the office area showed.

Axavia put her bag back on and stood up, feeling the red and gold carpet against her mismatched socks. Jovial got up after her and followed her as she started to walk towards the door on the right side of the lobby area. They opened the door and walked through into a hallway. The hallway was quite big and had a similar look to the lobby area. The walls were a nice fancy yellow color, the ceiling being a cream white color. The floor had a different kind of red and gold gilded carpet. The walls had electric lamps on each wall post. There were a few tables in the hall that had a vintage turntable on top. The turntables had smooth jazz playing softly through them. The sound filled the hall. Axavia and Jovial walked down the hall checking every door to find one that was open. Other doors that were open had empty rooms. Once they were about midway down the hall, they finally found an open room that wasn't bare.

Axavia cracked the door open and peaked through. The room was fully furnished and had everything she would need. The pair entered the room and made themselves comfortable. Axavia set her bag down on the chair that sat next to the door. Jovial flew over to the bed in the middle of the room. Axavia turned back towards the door and opened it slightly to look at the placard on the front. The gold placard read "Room 539". Odd. She didn't go that far into this place. She kept that number in mind, so if she goes out to look around, she can come back to this room.

She closed the door again and locked it to make sure nothing would come in. She went over to the lamp in the corner by the chair and turned it on. It illuminated the room a bit. She could see the inside of the room better now. Paintings were hung up on the walls. They looked quite old. She took some of the stuff she had in her pockets out and placed them on the dresser that sat against the right wall in front of the bed. She stared at herself in the mirror that sat atop the dresser; she looked miserable.

Axavia decided it would probably be best for her to freshen up if she could. She grabbed some clothes out of her bag and stepped over to the opposite side of the room that had a small open area with a door on the side leading to a bathroom. She opened the bathroom door and flipped the light switch that sat on the wall next to the door. She started running a bath and got herself freshened up. She changed into some new clothes feeling much better. She had a rainbow striped turtleneck sweater with a denim dress on top. She changed her bandages again before she put her mixed-match socks back on. The left sock was a nice pale yellow color with a pattern all over that consisted of circles, hearts, triangles and stars. The right sock was rainbow striped. She got out of the bathroom and laid down on the bed, legs still dangling off the edge, next to where Jovial was sitting. Jovial looked at her as she turned her head to face it. Her stomach then rumbled suddenly and she realized she was starving.

She got up and walked over to the chair where her bag sat. She opened her bag and pulled out what looked like an mri used by the army. She had found it amongst other food and resources in the crates she looked through before. She read the instructions on the packaging and started preparing it so she could eat. Luckily, she had all the appliances she needed to help her prepare it. She sat down at the table that was against the back wall of the room and started eating the MRI. It wasn't the greatest tasting food ever, but she was hungry and she ate it anyway. She grimaced at the taste as she ate. Once she finished the MRI, she threw the packaging and everything away. She was starting to feel sleepy; she had been awake and surviving for hours upon hours now. Her body was ready to give out. She felt so exhausted. She pulled the covers on the bed up so she could lay down under them and get comfortable before drifting off to sleep. Jovial flew up slightly to sit down next to Axavia and nuzzle her as she slept.

A couple hours later, Axavia awoke to an odd sound coming from the hallway. She got up and walked over to the door peeking through the eyehole near the top of the door. She saw what looked like loads of moth looking creatures swarming the hall. She had planned to go out and explore when she woke up, but now her plans have been halted until this swarm is over. She busied herself with whatever she could do as she waited. About an hour or two later, the noise had stopped. She got up from the floor and looked through the eyehole again to check if the swarm was over. The hall was empty and there was no more swarm.

She grabbed her bag from the chair and the pocket knife from off the dresser to bring with her as she explored. Jovial got off the bed and followed her out the room. She walked down the hall checking all the rooms. Most were locked still while a few were open. Axavia noticed that the placards on the doors were not in any sort of number order and seemed to be random. After a while of wandering around the halls, she found a door with a placard that read, "The Beverly room".

She opened the door to see a big spacious room that looked like some sort of ball room. It had a small fancy table lying in the middle of the room with drinks and a game of mahjong on top of it. She decided to steer clear of the table as she got an odd feeling that she shouldn't go near.

Axavia walked to one of the many doors in the room that happened to lead back to the main hall. She decided to take the elevator shaft that she saw in the main hall. She got in and chose to go up to the second floor.

She searched around the second floor for anything she could find. It was about the same as the first floor with hallways leading to different rooms for people to stay in. She searched each floor up to floor 12 before deciding to go back down to the first floor after finding nothing. She got out of the elevator back into the main hall and searched the doors there. Most led to the same hallways to rooms for people staying here if there were any.

Axavia decided to go back to the room she stayed in earlier and took a break from all the searching. She rested in her room for a while before taking everything and searching the main hall again. After looking around further in the main hall, the girl found a door that looked different than the others. It was a dark wooden door just about as fancy as the others. She opened the door to see what looked like a road in the suburbs. Was she home yet? She looked at Jovial before hesitantly stepping through with it.

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