Chapter 3: Electrical room

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Axavia was finally calming down from all the adrenaline. She was able to feel the pain in her leg again. She winced at the stinging of the pain. She took out a roll of bandage wrap, a disinfectant wipe, and some gauze she got from a crate in the other area out of her pocket. She used the wipe to clean and disinfect her wound. It stung, but she powered through. She grabbed the gauze and placed it on her wound, wincing more as she did. She picked up the bandages she laid on the floor next to her and wrapped the bandage wrap around her leg.

'That should be fine for now.' She thought to herself.

She took in her surroundings now that she had calmed down. In front of her was a long, dimly lit hallway that had prison bars with an open door. There were a couple other doors along the walls of the hallway, as well as a door at the end of the hall. She put her head in her hands. She still wasn't out of here yet. She felt tears staining her cheeks. She didn't realize she had been crying this entire time. She wiped the tears off her face and slowly got up.

She checked each door that lined the hallway. Most of the doors led to rooms that were all very similar with only one object setting them apart. She searched and looted the rooms for any resources she could find. In one of the rooms, she found some weapons. There were knives and bolt cutters sitting on a desk in the room. She decided it would probably be best to take them with her. They would be really useful with keeping her safe. She took one of the bolt cutters and put it in her bag. She took a pocket knife off the table and pocketed it in the pocket of her skirt for ease of use.

She continued looking around the area, taking any other resources she found. After a while, that feeling she had earlier of something watching her had come back once again. She looked around, feeling paranoid, trying to find whatever was watching her. It didn't look like anything or anyone else was around. Was she going crazy? She tried to ignore it as she ventured further into the area.

Axavia encountered a dark hallway that led to what seemed to be an electrical room that had a generator. She took her flashlight out again, turning it on to illuminate the area a bit. The electrical room had a bunch of stray electronic appliances. Looking around the room, she saw that same creepy glowing smile from before in the corner of the room. She backed away, turning off her flashlight. She didn't take her eyes off it at all until it finally dispersed.

She encountered many more of those smiling creatures as she explored. There wasn't much around in this area, she observed. Eventually, she came across an elevator that seemed to only go one way. Which way that may be, she wasn't sure since there was no indication on whether or not it went up or down. She entered the elevator and went to push a button, only to find out that there was none. The elevator closed and started to move on its own.

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