The next morning

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Felix woke up the next morning confused and in pain. He looked over to see a naked Changbin peacefully sleeping next to him. He started to shake him to wake him up. "Changbin, wake up we need to get dressed".
They got up and hurriedly got dressed before going downstairs, Hyunjin, who passed out on the couch when they got back was first to wake up. "I have the biggest headache right now" hyunjin said rubbing both sides of his head. Bang Chan came downstairs and started cooking breakfast for everyone. After everyone finished eating Felix and jisung, Felix best friend, decided to go shopping.
"What happened why did you leave early yesterday" Jisung asked Felix as they walked into a clothing store
"Just some creeps wouldn't leave me alone and i was tired"


"Hey Felix want to go swimming after practice, I just bought a new swimsuit"
After practice Felix and Jisung head to the pool.
"Felix what happened to your neck" Jisung asked looking at the clutter of hickeys on his neck and collar bone
"Felix don't lie to me I'm your bestie"
"I'll tell you later hannie I promise"
"You better"
Changbin and Minho came outside and hopped in the pool too.
Felix was in trance staring a Changbin's abs eyeing his hard biceps and his perfectly lined abs. Felix looked over, Jisung was eyeing Minho looking him up and down.
Jisung looked over at Changbin as he turned around to say hi to Felix and noticed he had scratches up and down his back.
"Hey binnie"
"Hey Felix, head feeling any better"
"Yeah I feel a lot better"


"Felix spill right now, was it Changbin" Jisung asked Felix
"What makes you think that"
"I saw the way you looked at him and his back looks like he fought a damn war"
"Okay I fucked Changbin last night. I don't know what happened I hopped in the shower with him and it just went from there and we had sex. I don't know what to do Its against the rules"
"But was it good, rules are meant to be broken"
"It was amazing, and you don't care about the rule cause you want Minho" Felix said chuckling
"Well yeah I would fuck the shi-"
"What it's true"

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