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He grabs his plush before heading back to Chan's room when he sees Changbin glaring at him from down the hall. He walks over towards Felix
"Felix" Changbin calls out
"Not right now can we talk tomorrow I'm very sleepy"
"Is that Chan's hoodie"
"Can we just talk tomorrow"
"Are you for real"
"Yes I'm exhausted right now"
"I bet" Changbin said before heading back to his room. Felix continues and goes back into Chan's room taking off the hoodie and snuggling up to him.
"You okay" Chan asked
"Fine just tired"
Chan showers him in praises and kisses before they both fall asleep.

Felix wakaes up the next morning by himself he gets up and stretches before walking into the bathroom. He sees Chan stepping into the shower to wash his hair before Felix hops in with him.
"Why didn't you wake me up, you said we could shower together in the morning"
"I tried to wake you up you wouldn't get up so I decided we could shower when you woke up"
"Mmm I don't believe you" Felix said wrapping his arms around his neck
"What can I do to make you believe me then" Chan said pulling Felix closer landing one hand on Felix waist and one on his ass
"Show me your sorry" Felix said said sliding his hand down Chan's chest
"I'm sorry love"
Chan started lining kisses up and down Felix neck leaving new marks where his collar was last night. Felix slides his hand down and grabs Chan's member slowly stroking it causing the older to moan into his neck. He loved the sensation of his breath on his neck.
"Felix we're going to miss breakfast"
"It'll be fast" Felix said lowering himself.
He starts licking his tip before fully taking Chan's member into his mouth.
"Fuck baby" Chan said throwing his head back in pleasure.
Felix continues to bob his head along sucking and licking up his cock.
Chan grabs Felix hair and thrust into his mouth. He moans around his length sending vibrations through him.
"You just love taking my dick don't you"
He continues to thrust into the younger's mouth feeling himself get closer to release.
He lets Felix's hair go as Felix opens his mouth and closes his eyes as he strokes him before he cums, painting his face white. Chan pulls him up and cleans off his face.
"Such a cum slut aren't you"
"Yes, I love it"
"Let's hurry up before they eat all the food and I have to cook"

They finish up their shower before heading down to the kitchen, they noticed everyone but Jisung and Changbin were gone.
"Where everyone go" felix asked Jisung
"Well y'all took forever everyone ate and they decided to practice some new dances but don't worry I saved you guys some food in the fridge"
"Thank you sungie"
"I know your energy is drained after- ow" jisung said getting cut off as Felix hit him, Chan heats up the food laughing at the two.
"Anyways I'm probably going to eat and relax my body in the jacuzzi, wanna come" Felix ask Jisung
"Yeah let me grab my swimsuit" Jisung said running to his room to get changed.
"I'm going to head to the studio probably work on some new beats. See you tonight?" Chan said
"Okay I'll see you tonight" Felix said before lightly kissing his cheek and going to his room to also get changed.

Felix and Jisung hop in the jacuzzi together.
"I can't believe you fucked Chan last night"
"It wasn't the plan it kinda just happened"
"Well how was it"
"Man it was amazing we went three rounds just last night"
"Oh wow get it then"
"I did not see that coming"
"Well something was cumming"
"Really petty"
"Says the person who was going to meet me this morning and left me for some dick"
"Hey I'm here now and we were in the shower thank you very much"
"Doing what I see a few hickeys still forming"
"Anyways moving on"
"I knew it y'all got freaky in the shower, but what are you going to do about bin"
"Honestly I don't know, he's being so difficult"
"Well as your friend I'm going to tell you fucking his best friend after a argument probably isn't going to help"
"He's fucking my best friend"
"I never slept with him"
"I meant hyunjin"
"Wait since when"
"I knew for a while that's why I decided now we really had to talk about everything and he still wouldn't be honest and kept switching up his story"
"Wow you have to be honest with these things"
After the conversation they decided to play around for a bit before going in the house to watch a movie. They put on a movie and sit on the couch, Changbin comes out his room and sits next to them on the couch.
"Where were you" Jisung decided to ask Changbin
"After I ate breakfast and everyone left and Felix and Chan didn't come downstairs I just went in my room" Changing said annoyed
They continue on with the movie until Changbin interrupts
"Can I borrow your friend for a moment"
"Sure, good luck Felix"
Changbin grabs the younger dragging him to his bedroom, they both sit on the bed.
"Hey what's up bin"
"Where were you last night, I went in your room last night to talk and you weren't there. Your PJs were still on your bed but you weren't"
"I slept in Chan's last night, I also didn't wear my PJs that were out I had on Chan's hoodie the one you saw me in last night"
"You mean the hoodie you were clearly naked under, with your hair all messed up and tears staining your cheeks hickeys forming how do you even get a hickey on your thigh"
"Are you trying to imply something?"
"I know you slept with him last night didn't you, I heard you screaming his name when I went to go ask him if he had seen you"
"Then why did you ask"
"I get it you were drunk last night but what took you so long this morning"
"I took a shower"
"For over an hour"
"Yeah pretty much, I'm not getting the point of this conversation"
"So you fucked him this morning too huh"
"One that is not your business two no we didn't get to that stage this morning even though it's not your business"
"Then what were you doing"
"It's not your business, you said you didn't want to be transparent and only talk about friendship unless your fucking me"
"I asked a question"
"I gave a statement, why are you even asking questions to begin with"
"Felix what were you doing this morning"
"This conversation is going nowhere" Felix says standing up to leave but was soon stopped by Changing grabbing his wrist and making him stand in front of him.
"What is it binnie"
"What happened to not walking away during a hard conversation why can't you just answer my question"
"Your being extra right now so yes I'm walking away you said we were nothing more the friends with benefits"
"Just answer the fucking question then"
"Fine I sucked him off happy now huh, you want to know so bad I sucked his dick then let him nut all over my face then we cleaned up and ate breakfast, is that what you wanted to hear huh." Felix practically shouted
"Wow Felix are you serious"
"At least I didn't try to rub it in your face everytime I get mad like you do to me with hyunjin."
"Then what do you call what you just said"
"You forcing me to communicate and i gave you the answer I'm sorry it wasn't the one you were looking for" Felix said rolling his eyes "we haven't even fucked in a few days anyway because of your bullshit so I'm sooo sorry I got it somewhere else" Felix said basically fuming at this point.
"Well maybe I wouldn't rub my other sexual encounters in your face if you were just simple instead of always asking questions you don't need a fucking answer to."
"Listen Its my body I want to be safe period"
"Yet you got drunk and fucked Chan"
"Unlike you I don't get drunk and fuck people at random"
"So you were aware of what you were doing"
"100% I don't do things just cause I'm under the influence"
"You know what Your not even as good as them anyways"
"You weren't saying that when you came in like five minutes now were you, and talking about im not as good as them that's fine but I don't recall us going three rounds like me and Chan did last night your sleep after one. Now Let me go"
"We aren't done"
"well I am I'm so tired of being disrespected so let me fucking go"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that"
"Well you did and it hurt my feelings so let me go"
"Can we talk about it and fix it, I didn't mean it sometimes when I'm angry I say things I know but I'm working on it and you said some mean things too"
"Let me the fuck go and you ain't the only one who can be petty two can play that game"

"Hey is everything alright I just got back from the studio to grab a few things and I heard you guys yelling" Chan asked with Jisung behind him
"It's fine me and Felix are just talking" Changing responded
"Naur it's not oh fucking Kay let me go I need time before I can talk to you. Right now I'm livid so please let me go"
"Felix I'm sorry"

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