I love you

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"What about Chan" Changbin asks Felix
"He knows I miss you but I don't plan on cutting him off he treats me so good"
"I understand"
"We can all talk about it later tonight"
"Well let me know later okay"
"After practice I'll let you know"

Felix goes over to Minho and Hyunjin
"Let's all go and work on some new songs then maybe we could all go out to eat, sorry I been so distant lately" Felix told the group
"It's probably cause Chan has been beating his shit down" Minho said tugging on Felix shirt. "Damn you got marks everywhere what you do"
"Minho shushhhh" felix said rolling his eyes
"Wait I wanna know what you did" Hyunjin said
"I accidentally called him master" Felix whispered. "Anyways let's go practice"
"What did you say Felix speak up" Minho said looking over Felix. "I'm curious about these red marks"
"Really you guys"
"Yes" Minho and Hyunjin said in unison
"I accidentally called him Master this morning"
"Oh my god Felix" Hyunjin said laughing
"How did you manage that one, I'm surprised you're still walking right now" Minho said smirking
"He didn't go super rough for my first time doing all that, anyways let's go" Felix responded
"But he did go rough" Hyunjin said raising his eyebrows
"Very it was amazing" Felix said turning red
"As you best friend I'm offended I missed so much"
"Sorry Jinnie"
"So he didn't tell you about the trouble him and Jisung got in me and Changbin- mmm" Minho tried to say before Felix covered him mouth turning super red
"Shut up Minho" Felix said
"You're telling me later Felix" Hyunjin said
"Okay let's go" Felix said basically running out the house

They finish up practice and stopped by a food truck. Grabbing a bite to eat
"I missed you guys" Felix said
"I missed you too" Hyunjin said back hugging the younger
"Spend more time with us and not just Chan" Minho said
"You can't talk you and Jisung has been fucking like rabbits" Felix said as a comeback
"Hey you can't talk you and him started it constantly teasing, how was that vibrator for you" Minho said laughing
"There was no need to mention that" Felix said turning red
"Okay well can someone finally tell me what happened" Hyunjin said looking at the two
"Well they decided to come to practice with nothing but lingerie under a hoodie, bending over every chance they got and touching on me and Changbin"
"Andddd~" Hyunjin said sipping on his ice Americano
"So I tied them to the bed with a vibrator in for 25 minutes"
"Minho you didn't" Hyunjin said shocked
"Moving on, it's 9pm we should head home" Felix said.
"That's fucking hilarious" Hyunjin said walking to the car.
They hop in the car Minho in the driver seat.

A few minutes later they arrive at the house. They all hop out the car Minho goes in the house, but Hyunjin grabs Felix hand
"Are you still gonna talk to Changbin" Hyunjin asked Felix
"Probably later, I don't even know what to say yet" Felix says
"Well I hope it goes good and you get it figured out"
"Me too, I do miss him"
"By the way I have a question. Instead of mentioning me why am I not invited"
"Well- uh- I never thought to"
"Ok last question I just have to know, how the hell I didn't know about these things I know you ain't quiet"
"You weren't home so-" Felix said getting cut off
"So your not quiet"
"Not my point, now let's go in the house"

They walk in the house everyone is sitting on the couch arguing about what genre movie to watch. After ten minutes of arguing they pick a movie as Changbin gets up grabbing Felix
"Wanna make popcorn"
They head to the kitchen opening a box of popcorn popping a bag per person.
"Hey so me and Chan where talking and we don't see an issue with how it is anymore, you have Chan and me, I have you and Hyunjin, and Chan has you and Minho and jisung threesome ways."
"If everyone's honest now I don't see an issue, I'm sorry for cutting you off like that"
"No it's fine I was in the wrong you wouldn't even have said any of that or leaving if I was nice to you"

The microwave bings they grab the big bag of heated popcorn and goes and gets different flavored popcorn out the cabinet.
"I love you Felix"

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