I stand back up and turn around to my makeshift bed, there was a box on it.

I go to the bed and open the lid of the box, there was a spiderman mask looking back at me. I pull the whole thing out and look at it, it was amazing, it's red and blue like spidermans suit but alot darker and thicker material, it also has a hood.

There was a little note at the bottom of the box, messy but also neat handwriting.

Incase you get bored

I smile at the note, hes alot like my own father.

I try on the suit and it fits perfectly, there were small pockets that lined the suit and it was comfortable.

I go to the window and open it, climbing out and sitting on it, looking around.

Colors start showing up then holograms pop up in my vision, there was a males voice and the words in the corner of the lenses.

"Hello, Doreen, I am your personal AI assistant, created for you by Miguel." The voice was smooth and didn't sound animated at all.

"Miguel made me an AI?" I look around the city, there was a box in the top left corner that played radio conversations.

"Yes, there are also more features to the suit that I can show you" he tells me.

"Thats so cool. Do you have a name?" I ask the AI, shooting a web to the building across the street and swinging to the top.

"I do not, but you may call me whatever you like."

"How about... Dave?" I ask him.

"Sounds too much like an old man" the AI says.

I laugh at him, "you even have your own personality."

"I do" he says, it even somehow sounds like hes smiling.

"What do you think of Harvey?" I ask the AI.

"Professional but fun, I like it" he tells me.

"Harvey it is" I chuckle.

I squat down on the corner of a roof and look around, listening to the radio chatter, "where do we start?"

"There's some activity two blocks away, by the docs, my guess is sex trafficking."

"Lets get started then"

I swing to the docs and see a group of men standing around a shipping container. They're talking and laughing with eachother, smoking and having drinks together.

There's three people standing at the doors of the shipping container, holding big guns.

"Hey Harvey, anyway to find out how many people are in the container?" I ask him.

"I detect seven heart beats, estimated three under sixteen, two between the ages of seventeen and twenty five and two over twenty five. Five female two male." Harvey says.

"eso esta mal (that's messed up)" I mumble.

"Indeed" Harvey tells me.

"You understand Spanish?" I ask the AI.

"Miguel programed me to understand and speak the twenty four languages he also speaks."

Twenty four? This man has some time on his hands.

"What's the best plan of action?" I ask, looking around.

"All the men have hand guns, the guards have the bigger ones. Take out the guards then the men"

I follow through, firing webbing at one of the guards and taking his gun.

"cabrones shouldn't be allowed to play with such big toys (fucktards)" I say. The other two aim their guns at me but I take them too.

The other men all stand up and aim their guns after hearing me, who I'm guessing is the leader steps forward.

"This is Kingpins land, not a place for kids. Who are you even supposed to be?" He says, aiming the gun into the shadows where I stand.

I swing over behind them, knocking out some of the men, four remain standing.

"I'm spiderman" I say, stepping into the light.

"Spiderman is dead" the leader says, "and I'll kill you too" he fires the gun but I do a backflip and dodge it, shooting the webbing at his hands to tie them together.

One of the men run at me but I flip him over my shoulder, punching him in the face once he lands on his back.

I run at the other two kicking one in the chest and shooting webs at the other, the one I kicked gets up and aims his gun, I kick it out of his hands and shoot webs that make him stick to a chair he was standing infront of.

The last guy tackles me to the ground, holding me down.

"Hey, ow!" I shout, he puts his hand over my mouth, looking down at me.

"Your not a spiderman," he laughs, "just a little girl playing dress up" he takes his hand off my mouth, using one hand to hold my own hands on the ground, he starts pulling my mask up my face, showing my mouth then my nose. I struggle and kick to get him off me.

He manages to pull my mask off my face, staring down at me.

"I could make some money from you" he grins.

"Fuck off" I growl. He laughs at me, there's a clang behind him and he turns.

I remember what Miguel told me, and I use this opportunity to bite the man in the neck while he's turned.

I taste blood and something else and the man yells out.

"What the fuck?" He yells, he punches me in the face and grabs me by the neck. "The hell was that?"

He blinks a couple times before squeezing his eyes shut and shaking his head. He slowly gets up and holds his head, soon falling unconscious and flopping to the ground.

I get up and pull my mask back over my face, kicking the unconscious man in the gut then making my way over to the shipping container.

I opened it and heard shuffles, there were two adults, both women that sheikd the younger ones from what was happening.

"I'm here to help you, it's ok" the two women come to the front, looking at me.

"I never thought I'd see the day spoderman would come back" she was crying and looking at me with hope.

The other women goes back and talks to the kids, convincing them to get up.

They all come out of the container and look around. The three younger ones hold onto eachother, they look to be about seven, thirteen and fifteen. The younger two being the only two boys.

"Who are you?" The youngest boy asks me.

"I'm Spiderman" I tell him. The older ones smile, remembering and knowing who the original spiderman was, the younger ones look at me with big eyes, knowing who spiderman is through stories and legends. "And I'm here to fix what was broken."

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