I hope whoever is reading this is enjoying so far, I know its probably not the best and it's really rushed but I write for fun and if you enjoy it too then win win.

The two days roll by and I'm exhausted as all hell. I've hardly gotten any sleep because of all the people I've been trying to save.

With there being no police and jailing system, the criminals I stop end up going free so I've also been trying to work out somewhere I can put them or a way to stop them completely.

My head buzzes and there's the feeling something will happen, there's a slight boom and bright lights flash in the small room. Miguel walks out of the portal with another woman.

"Doreen, this is America, she helped us make the spider and she's going to help you with one of your powers."

America smiles at me and I shake her hand, "Hi Doreen, I've been waiting so long to be able to meet you." She says.

I mutter small hi and look to Miguel, "so uh which power, exactly?"

"Multiversal travel," America says, "I'm able to portal through dimensions and since making this spider your able to, too. And I'm gonna show you how to control it"


We returned to the headquarters and work in Miguel's office, we talk about how to use the power and I attempt to try it.

There was a small blue spark infront of me but that's all I managed.

Miguel was up at his computers while America and I practice, working on something.

I managed to make another spark but it took alot of effort, tiring me out.

"Alright let's have a break" America says, walking to a table and grabbing her phone.

I swing up onto Miguel's platform, sitting in his chair while he stands.

I spin around in the chair, pulling off my Web shooters and fiddling with them.

The doors to Miguel's office opens and in walks a spiderman with a punk sort of look, Peter B. Parker, who I met while I was here two days ago, a girl in a white spider suit and a boy in a black spider suit.

I look closer, Miles Morales, I gasp when seeing his face.

The platform starts to go down, very slowly.

The girl and miles talk quietly while we go down.

"What the hell is he doing here?" Miguel asks, not facing them.

I spin in the chair to face them, staring down Miles.

It was his family that killed mine, but that's on my earth.

Miles looks at me for a second to see that im staring at him with a straight face.

"hombre muerto caminando (dead man walking)" I mutter.

Miguel gives me a side eye before sighing and turning around.

"I told you not to bring him here, Gwen. You know whatll happen" Miguel says to the girl.

"He followed me" she says, looking down.

"Get out" he tells them, turning to the spiderman with the punk look.

"I'm not even going to acknowledge you" he says to him.

"Missed you too" the punk guy says, sitting in a chair with his feet up. He has a British accent and dark skin, a lip ring shines in the light from the computer. He looks at me, "I haven't met you yet, I'm Hobie, Hobie Brown. Also known as SpiderPunk."

"Doreen" I say to him, "spiderman"

He smirks at me, looking me up and down. "Ok, Spiderman. How long you been suitin' up?" He asks me.

"About a week" I tell him in a quiet voice, yet smirking.

"A week, huh. Where you from?" He leans back on the chair.

"Universe?" He nods, "Earth 17694." I say, remembering from when Miguel told you everything.

Hobie sits up straight, looking at Miguel with a confused frown.

Miguel just crosses his arms and stares down at him, he sighs then speaks, "Gwen, get Miles out of here. He cannot be here."

"Well why not?!" Mike's yells, "what are you hiding?"

"Miles, you broke Pavis Canon." Gwen whispers to him.

"What does that mean? What's a Canon?" He turns around to face Gwen.

"A Canon is a defining event in your life that needs to happen, if Canon breaks that universe with disappear and just vanish from existence. That's what those holes were, Pavs universe disappearing. Breaking" I tell him, standing up and jumping off the platform.

"Huh?" Miles makes a confused face.

"Lyla, do the thing" Miguel says, his hands on his hips.

"What thing?" Lyla pops up.

"The- the explainy thing, do the thing." Miguel stutters.

"What's the magic word?" She smiles.

Miguel sighs, rubbing the bridge of his nose woth two fingers, "no puedo mas, no puedo mas" he stops and looks at lyla. "Please." He grumbles.

"I'd love to!" She shouts back in celebration.

A hologram of a spiderman sitting over a body pops up, "an example of a Canon would be someone close to you dying. Alot of people in a spidermans life die, one of them being a police captain that you are close with." The hologram through and a clip of Gwen pop up, sitting over a boy around her age. You look closer at the face, thats Peter Parker. "The love interest is also a main Canon." Little holograms of all sorts of spidermen pop up, over a girl that looks like Mary Jane, a girl I met a little while ago, she's around my age.

I look at more of the holograms and notice that some of the girls look like Gwen.

Lyla continues explaining, "but not all Canon are bad, there are plenty of good ones, like falling inlove." A hologram of a spiderman hanging upside down infront of a Mary Jane while kissing her pops up. "Having kids," Peter B. Parker pops up holding his baby girl for the first time, smiling down at her with a glow in his eyes.

"Woah" Miles awes. He pauses, "wait. My dads about to become police captain. Spot is going to kill him. I have to save him"

He turns to run but Miguel throws a small red disk at Miles feet, a red net shows up and wraps around Miles.

I gasp, standing up.

What the fuck is happening?

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