Everybody is yelling at either Miguel or Miles, screaming over the top of eachother to be heard.

Miles curls into a ball, looking around. He stops and looks at Hobie for a second, I glance over to the punk and see him holding up his hands and mouthing something.

Miles stands up and puts his hands onto the red dome, closing his eyes and focusing. Electricity crackles into the net and it glitches, disappearing soon afterwards.

Everybody freezes, staring at the lid, he looks around then bolts to the door, running through it with Everybody else now chasing him.

Miguel runs off the second Miles gets out of sight, sending a message to everybody else to get Spiderman. He pauses, realising his mistake. "HEAS LEAVING SECTION FIVE."

The group runs after Miguel while I stay frozen in shock, now alone.

It's only been a week since I started being Spiderman, and now we're on a wild chase to stop a kid from saving his dads life.

If I knew when my parents were going to die, I would stop at nothing to save them, especially if I know I have the power to do it.

I finally snap out of the shock and face the computers, pulling up video footage from security drones to watch what was happening.

Miles runs throughout the headquarters, followed by nearly every single spiderman that is here, Miguel was leading them, running ahead and trying to catch Miles.

I watch Miguel run on all fours to chase miles, its a scary sight after knowing a less aggressive version for the short while I've known him.

I turn away from the screens, covering my mouth in shock.

I quickly press a few buttons on my watch and watch as a bright portal appears, I step through it, finding myself back home.

Once the portal is closed and everything is quiet, I drop to my knees. No sound comes out of me and I show no reaction, the only movement I make is the fall to the ground.

I stare out the window, my hands hanging by my sides.

Miguel, what are you doing?

I hear a beep then Harvey's voice, "Doreen, there's activity detected five blocks away, west."

I stand and look around the room, listening to the chatter over the radios.

Kingpins men, and some other guy, making a trade, a deal.

I wait for more information, listening to every word spoken.

"I'll see you in twenty" then the conversation ends.

So I have 20 minutes to get down there, and figure out what kind of deal is going on.

I swing out of the window, heading west like Harvey told me.

I keep an eye out while swinging, trying to find where this deal is going to happen.

About where Harvey told me, I see a group of men all standing around, crates, boxes and tents are set up all around.

I stay in the shadows, keeping hidden from sight. I listen to them talk together, something big is going to happen.

I wait ten more minutes and a dark car drive up next to them, the window goes down but I can't see who is in the car. One of the men goes to the window, grinning at the man.

They talk but I can't hear anything, "harvey" I say, signalling to do the thingy.

I instantly hear the men talking, "am I correct in assuming there is a new spiderman?" The man in the car says, his voice was flat and smooth but kind of deep.

"Yes, sir. But Mr Fisk would like to propose a deal to help with that. He knows the Spider may interfere with your work and is offering his services." The other man says.

"And what am I to give in return? I'm sure Wilson has everything he could ever desire."

The man outside of the car nods quickly, "all he wants is a tiny fraction of the tritium you possess."

I pause, tritium, what is that?

"Harvey, what's tritium?" I whisper to the AI.

"Tritium is a rare element that holds the same energy as the sun, was once used by doctor Otto Octavius but the experiment was fatal."

"So we need to get it from the bad guys?"


I sigh and pay attention to the conversation again, having missed a part of it.

"Tell Fisk that I want this new bug gone by next week, then he'll get his payment." The window rolls up and the car drives off, blending into the darkness.

The man that was talking with the guy in the car turns to the group, a snarl on his face.

"Set up a call with Fisk" he tells one of the other men and he nods, walking away to one of the bigger tents.

Someone follows him in and two guys stand outside of the tent holding guns.

I back up into the shadows more, staying quiet and out of sight.

"Harvey, did you get those number plates?"

A picture of the plates pop up along with a map, there's a red dot over the map, moving. "It appears they are heading towards the old Osborn building".

"How are you doing that?" I watch the dot with my eyes as it stops at the Osborn tower.

"Satellites, Multiversal AI can hack into and access any and all Satellites from any world"

I hum in response, noding my head slowly.

"Back to the matter at hand, isn't Norman Osborn dead? Who would be using his tower?" I put my hand on my chin, thinking.

"After Mr Osborn died, his son, Harry Osborn, became the only person able to access the building. But he hasn't been heard from or seen since before his father funeral."

That makes my life easier.

"Well that's a solid lead, Harry Osborn is back in town and I don't think he's here to sell cookie's."

"No, something much worse."


Abit of a shorter chapter but I wanted to end it there so oh well

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