Hero Is Born.

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Yuà's POV

My name is Yuà Kitsuna, some see me as a normal woman, living another life here in Megapolis. Heh, if only they knew who I really was.

Buutt, this isn't a story about me, it's about my boy, living familiar tales and new adventures.

I ride my cycle towards one of my favorite places in the city, Pigsy's Noodles. I stop just outside the Restaurant, take off my helmet and walk in just as Tang is wrapping up his latest story.

"A city brimming with five star cuisine." Tang said, as MK was looking at his book, "And all because of the Monkey King."

MK immediately cheers, "That's so good!" He then starts flexing and doing poses, "Monkey King is so cool! He's so strong and Handsome."

'Took the words right out of my mouth Squirt.' I thought, images of that cheeky rascal in my head.

Tang just chuckles, "Oh MK, and You thought you knew all the Monkey King Stories." He said.

MK immediately zipped over to him, "Oh but I do! I got his whole life document in this extensively in this unauthorized Autobiography of Monkey King!" He then shows the book with the drawing of him and Monkey King on the front. "Written and illustrated, by yours truly."

I then let out a small faux-cough as MK jumps and turns to me, "And who is this, 'Yours Truly' your talking about Squirt?" I ask him with a smirk.

"Right, right, right, yours truly and his amazing and helpful Guardian." MK restates before going back to his rant, "Like I knew he was born from a stone, and live behind a waterfall with his sweet little baby monkey friends! And-And-And oh!"

Tang picks up one of MK's papers, "It's nice to know someone's taking in all these stories. Pearls of wisdom, dripping from my lips." He then turns to me, "But I must say Yuà, the way you described the Journey to the West in such detail, I would almost think you were there yourself."

I flinched when he said and let out a nervous laugh, "Yeah, heh, crazy. I just do a lot of research." I chuckle nervously.

Tang then clears his throat, "Well, you know the deal: One story, one free bowl of Zha Jiang mian. Hmm?"

"Huh? Oh right, free noodles! Yep, on it!" MK exclaims, getting to work on the noodles, "How heavy do you think a mountain is? Compared to like-" He attempts to grab a bowl, but someone throws a spoon at him.

"Free noodles?!" Pigsy questions as he reveals himself, taking the bowl of noodles from Mk, "No one gets a free meal at Pigsy's! I'm not running a charity here, Tang!"

Tang pushes his face away, "Ah, but Pigsy. I was paying with wisdom."

"Yeah? Well, wisdom don't pay the rent, you freeloader!" Pigsy yells.

"Pigsy, relax. What's one bowl gonna do?" I ask, leaning against the counter.

"One bowl?! One bowl?! One bowl's gonna turn into two bowls! Then three, then four! In this business, every last noodle counts!" He declares dramatically before turning to MK, "And you! You've been slacking off all morning! I've got a dozen orders that need to go out, so quit slacking and start packing!" He orders, backing MK into a wall.

MK smiles sheepishly, "Yeah. I was about to take my break, so..."

"Break?! Break?! There's no break in war! I need workers. Soldiers in the army of Pigsy's Noodles, home of the world's longest noodles." Pigsy declares, "How else am I gonna expand my business into enemy territory?"

"Uh, do you mean across the street?" MK questions and we turn to look at the other noodle place across the street.

"I stand by my statement! Now, hurry up!" Pigsy orders.

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