how yall sleep (boys) ☁

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Characters: Deku, Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Sato, Iida, Ojiro, Tokoyami, Koda, Shoji, Aoyama, Shinso, Monoma, Tetsutetsu, Tamaki, and Mirio.

Izuku midoriya
he's too nervous to super close to you, so you guys just hold hands while you sleep. he mutters random little things in his sleep, most of which is just cute little gibberish. when he's not muttering he just very faintly snores.

Katsuki Bakugou
when you guys first start dating, you would always lay on his chest, but as he started showing you his soft side more, he started laying on your chest. sometimes when he has bad dreams, his hands start sparking a little. <3

Shoto Todoroki
this poor boy didn't even know how to cuddle you when you first started dating so when you spooned him for the first time, it was like a whole new experience to him. now it is kind of your job to be big spoon.

Ejiro Kirishima
manly boi likes to be big spoon. at least that's how it is when you fall asleep. he is the wildest sleeper in the world. you have literally woken up to his foot in your face before. and on top of that, he defiantly snores like a dad. (you'll learn how to deal with it) (hopefully 🤷🏽) (good luck 😜)

Denki Kaminari
you have only slept in his bed once. Never. Again. he sparks so much in his sleep it's not even funny. he has to wake up 40 minutes early for school because of how brain dead he is in the morning. you cuddle him until he falls asleep then you make a little pillow wall to protect you from all the shocks.

Hanta Sero
there is no convincing me that you guys don't sleep in his hammock. i mean, the first few nights you did fall off of it, but you started getting used to it after sero practically begged you not to give it up. he sleeps on his back you sleep on top of him with is arms firmly around you so you don't fall. (he's so sweet)

Rikido Sato
i'm just gonna say, you guys don't go to sleep until you fueled up. this man makes sure you eat good. sato does not care how you want to cuddle him, as long as you're touching him, its perfect.

Tenya Iida
iida defiantly had a 'we can't sleep in the same bed because it's inappropriate' phase but you finally were able to convince him after about a month after you started dating. but even then, he made sure to make sure you each stayed on your own side of the bed. so, you started waiting till he fell asleep to cuddle up next to him. (and you got a lecture almost every morning for not staying on your side) (he will believe if you say it was an accident 🤫)

Mashirao Ojiro
ojiro sleeps on his side or stomach because of his tail but he likes it when you cuddle his tail while you sleep. he is a pretty calm sleeper for the most part, but sometimes his tail twitches and smacks you in the face. (lmao get smacked)

Tokoyami Fumikage
when i tell you it is pitch black when yall go to sleep- this man sleeps in the actual abyss. if you start cuddling tokoyami or he starts cuddling you dark shadow will get jealous and he won't stop whining until you cuddle him. (ugh dark shadow is so adorable)

Koji Koda
koda has a lot of pets. if you guys are at the dorms, you guys will cuddle with his bunny but if you are at his house get ready for a pool of animals and adorableness. koda is dead silent when he sleeps. however, he takes a huge breath at random times during the night.

Mezo Shoji
his arms are literally like blankets. you cannot tell me he isn't the best cuddler in on planet earth. he's big spoon. point. blank. period. when you guys first started dating he was scared to take his mask off to sleep and it took a lotttt of time but after some time he started feeling more comfortable with you. <3

Yugi Aoyama
you cant sleep because he's too bight.

calm down it was just a joke 😒
he literally has the most comfortable blankets and sheets because he gets them imported directly from France. he is also a diva, which means he is definitely little spoon. sometimes, his stomach starts hurting due to overusing his quirk during the day so you guys have late night cheese runs. 🥰

Hitoshi Shinso
he doesn't. but he likes it when you lay on him when you do. he will also play with your hair. <3

Neito Monoma
monoma is a brat. he will not sleep if everything is not perfect. the room has to be just a little cold so you guys can cuddle under the blanket. the LED lights have to be on the perfect color (it changes night to night depending on how he feels). he tries to be big spoon because he likes to feel dominant but when you wake up he is laying on your chest cuddling into you.

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
big spoon. wild sleeper. loud snore. literally kiri just in a different font.

Tamaki Amajiki
i feel like tamaki doesn't really like physical touch but if you do, you guys will hold pinkys. he is a very light sleeper. like the slightest noise could wake him up (which is very bad if you snore). tamaki is a very still sleeper to the point where its scary. (you thought he was dead one time)

Mirio Togata
mirio will just bear hug you the entire night. you want to get up? well that's just too bad, isn't it. he also shamelessly snores. he knows he does, he admits he does, he will not apologize. deal with it.

omg im finally done 😩
it's 7:28 am and i still haven't been to sleep 😋
goodnight- or morning? whatever im going to sleep 😪

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