they find out they like you (boys) ☁

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Characters: Deku, Bakugou, Todoroki, Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Sato, Iida, Ojiro, Tokoyami, Koda, Shoji, Aoyama, Shinso, Monoma, Tetsutetsu, Tamaki, and Mirio.

Izuku Midoriya
deku has liked you for as long as he can remember. ever since you were the first one to voluntarily pick him to do a project with him in jr high he has had the biggest, fattest, juiciest crush on you.

Katsuki Bakugou
bakugou first realized he liked you when you were fighting someone and just when he was about to step in, you punched them and knocked them out cold. (let's just say he got a little too impressed)

Shoto Todoroki
literally EVERYONE knew todoroki had a crush on you before he even knew. it was soooo obvious how he would always stare at you in class and practically rant about how handsome or pretty you are. the only reason he found he liked you is because he was telling natsuo about you and he was like "dude, you like them" and he thought 'oh shit i do'💀.

Ejiro Kirishima
kiri is a very oblivious lil guy. he literally just thought his feelings for you was just really, really good friendship. //(*miraculous flashbacks*)// he didn't realize he liked you until some random person started flirting with you and he got super-duper jelly-welly. (let's just say the random person didn't bother you after what kiri did to them 😘)

Denki Kaminari
kami caught feels for you really fast. it all started with him saying he could pull literally ANYBODY, and mina was like "oh yeah? prove it!" so he was like "fine", so he went up to you and said the most cheesiest, overused pickup line in history. "something must be wrong with my eyes... i can't take them off you" and instead of turning him down like everyone else, you said "well something must be wrong with my phone... your number doesn't seem to be in it" (yall so cringe fr fr 😒)

Hanta Sero
sero knew he liked you from the start. from the minute he started talking to you he was just like 'yep. this one's mine'. (and he definitely made sure everyone knew you were his 😋)

Rikido Sato
sato realized he liked you when you asked him to help you bake a cake for your friend's birthday and somehow, you ended up knocking over a bowl and getting flour everywhere. you were apologizing so much, and he just thought it was so adorable.

Tenya Iida
iida found out he liked you when bakugou was being a meanie in class and screaming at deku for whatever reason (he's such a brat 🙄) and before he could start lecturing him to sit down before aizawa got there, you were already on it. there was just something about you trying to enforce the rules that allured him 😍.

Mashirao Ojiro
ojiro gained a very small crush on you when you joined his dojo and even though you lost a sparring match to him, you still congratulated him on the win and even asked him to show you some moves. after that his very small crush started to snowball into a big fat crush.

Tokoyami Fumikage
tokoyami found out he liked you when he was showing you a poem he made, and you were the first person to understand the meaning of it without him having to explain it. ever since then your the first person he goes to when he finishes writing a poem.

Koji Koda
koda realized he liked you when you guys were at a fair and you went to the petting zoo. the way his animal friends loved you so much made him love you just as much as they did. (i love lil bean sm 😭❤)

Mezo Shoji
shoji realized he liked you when he saw your "friends" making fun of the way his quirk makes him look and you almost immediately stood up for him. while you were standing up for him you called him handsome, and his heart did summersaults. (cutie)

Yugi Aoyama
aoyama realized he liked you when there was a dance at UA, and you showed up looking ALMOST as flashy as him. (notice how i said ALMOST). there was something about how you were practically glowing that he found super attractive.

Hitoshi Shinso
mini aizawa started liking you when you guys got partnered by a teacher in jr high for an 'all about me' project and when he told you his quirk you said "woah! that would be an awesome quirk for a hero! you could just make villains turn themselves in!". you were the first person to every say that to him other than his mother and he absolutely adored you for it.

Neito Monoma
monoma figured out he liked you when he was making fun of class 1a and you absolutely roasted the hell out of him, and it was the first time someone had shut him up like that. (kendo was your best friend after this)

Tetsutetsu Tetsutetsu
you had an assignment in science class where you had to make a character out of one of the elements on the periodic table and you got assigned iron, so you basically interviewed him and made him into your character. he started liking you because you made him into a big strong hero that always saved everyone and you said "i made you but in the future!" (he used your hero suit design when he got into UA)

Tamaki Amajiki
this shy bean realized his feelings right after he finished saving you from a villain attack and you gave him a big hug. nejire and mirio noticed the look on his face immediately and convinced you to give him your number. the whole time tamaki was shaking and quaking in his boots. (we stan mirio and nejire being the best wingman and wingwoman)

Mirio Togata
mirio found out he liked you when you guys saw a little kid balled up in the corner of a building crying and even though you were in a rush, you stopped to see what was wrong. both of you were skipped school that day because you decided to take him to the police station and stay there with him until they found his mother. (look at you being all nice and junk 😘)

omg this was so fun to write

also is it bad that i listened to the entire hamilton soundtrack while writing this? 😋
ANYWAY if y'all have any advice for improving writing please let me know 🙏🏽

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