the start (1/2)

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"Listen Christopher, I love you man. But you really need to get out of your depression zone and look for a job" Vanessa spoke, as she sat facing him on the breakfast table.

"I can't be the only one providing for us all the time, it's getting stressful. You know with Eva, her school fees and other activities. Now with you here..." Vanessa added.

Chris nodded, looking down. He bit his bottom lip, anxiety rising up as the thoughts raced. Before he had the chance to respond...

"You are not burdening me, if that's what you are thinking. I like your company and Eva is absolutely obsessed with you. She sees you as her.. big brother. I don't want you to leave. though, I would appreciate your help."

As much as Chris had no motivation to do anything. He understood her. And as a friend he should do anything to make her life better, not worse.

Since he left his parents home. He had nowhere to go. All his friends had their own struggles, only Vanessa had accepted him with open arms.

He missed home dearly. Even though he never considered it a warm home. He missed the security it gave him. 

You only realize how meaningful having a home is when you lose it.

Yes, it was his choice to leave. As his parents were never thrilled to have him around anyways. You could say he was an outcast in his own house. And he never knew why.

Vanessa broke his train of thoughts once more.

"Look! Remember the pizzeria downtown that closed years ago?" She asked, holding the newspaper.

"What pizzeria?"

"The one we all loved to go to, you know. They had cool animatronics and the pizza there was dope."

Chris tensed at the word animatronics. Oh now he remembers. And he wished he didn't.

"I didn't know they are reopening, that's really cool! And apparently they are looking for an overtime security guard. If this is not fate."

He knew what was coming, oh please no. That's the last place he'd want to work at.

Sensing his state, Vanessa realized

"Oh-.. Ohh yeah.. You didn't have the best of experiences there."

Chris fiddled with his hands, as the memories came flashing his head.

That dreadful day.

"It's been years Chris. You got to get over it someday. I think it's a good opportunity to face your trauma. It's about time you do. Plus it's a night shift, and since you have insomnia,  I think this would fit you perfectly."

"Yeah... you are right." He spoke softly. "I'll check it out tomorrow morning. I can't promise that I'll actually work there though. "

"Really!! That's really good, thanks Chris." Vanessa beamed, standing up. She side hugged him and gave him a peck on cheek.

"I am so proud of you." Vanessa said as she was leaving the kitchen.

"I'm glad." He smiled tightly.

He really had bad feelings about this.


It was night time already and Chris had to meet his best friends here on the rooftop of this abandoned building. It has been their hideout since they were little kids.

As he sat on the edge, dangling his feet, he looked down at the street that was way down there. He kinda wished he could jump right now.

"Yoo! wassup dude?" Jisung sat next Chris, giving his back to the frightful view. 

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