Chapter 1

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Bakugou Katsuki stared down at the envelope he put on his desk. He knew he would get in; he would, of course, with such an awesome quirk. Yet, that bittersweet twinge in his chest was still there, even though it was almost eleven months since that day.

Since he was little, Bakugou knew his quirk was the best and that he would be the number one hero someday. Everyone praised him and his quirk, and the other kids would follow him around. Nothing was wrong with the way things were. Except for the quirkless runt that wouldn't go away. He pushed him away, even used his quirk on him, but the quirkless boy would just get back up, still wanting to be a hero.

Then he went too far.

"Hah," He sighed, reaching for the envelope. Opening it, he pulled out a letter and a hologram device, which activated once placed on the desk. To his surprise, All Might appeared to congratulate his acceptance into UA high and to say he had the top score in the practical. Again, that twinge tugged at his chest as the thought of the nerd geeking out over All Might crossed his mind.

Going downstairs, he saw his parents sitting on the couch watching the latest news about some explosion that destroyed half a building up north a few weeks ago. He yelled out that he got in because that's how it was in his house, and before either of his parents could smother him in some form of affection, he made his way to the kitchen.

Over the next week, he sent in the remaining paperwork to UA, and his new school uniform came in. Soon enough, it was the first day of the new school term.

He got there early, finding his seat and propping his feet up on the desk while he waited. Others arrived, including a glasses wearing, robot-like kid that insisted on telling him off for putting his feet up on the desk. Even more loud people showed up, the excitement bubbling off them, and it only stopped when some weirdo caterpillar appeared.

"It took all of you too long to settle down. You'll have to work on that. Change into your gym uniform and meet me at the training fields. You have 10 minutes," He said, emerging out of the yellow sleeping bag. He was dressed in black sweats, messy hair down to his shoulders, face unshaven, and the dark eye bags all gave the impression of a hobo, or so Bakugou thought.

Ten minutes later, the whole class stood outside, most still chatting to each other, and their teacher stood in front of them, looking like he could fall asleep any second. Finally, the class quieted down, again, and the hobo man could explain why they were out there. They spent the majority of their day doing the agility tests, and despite the threat of being expelled if last, everyone did well in something. In a twist, the hobo teacher didn't expel anyone, though there were a few who were obviously second-guessing the hero course.

For Bakugou, he just wanted to get on with the day. Yet, despite his crude demeanor and yelling, some decided to still crowd his desk at the end of the day. One of them, a red spikey haired guy with sharp teeth, even followed him at the end of the day, chatting about how the first day had gone and other nonsense. Eventually, the redhead said bye, and they separated ways to go home.

Walking down the street past the park he used to play at, Bakugou continued past the turn-off towards his home and walked on until he came to a set of tall apartment complexes. He made it up to a particular apartment door but hesitated to knock, the door in question almost staring back, waiting for the ash blonde to do something. On the other side, he knew she would be inside since she didn't usually work afternoons.

He sighed, then knocked on the door. When it opened he gave a sad smile to the shorter, older woman, who had lost even more weight since the last time he saw her, but at least her general upkeep was back to some normal. Her hair was washed and combed back into its normal half bun, and her eye bags were minimal now.

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