Chapter 5

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Hey, finally got this chapter done and edited. It took me forever to get this one written. I knew what I wanted to write but it was like I couldn't get it from my brain and onto the document. Anyway, I hope you enjoy this one. It is longer, just over 3000 words.

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Guardian made it to Hosu. Despite not having much flying experience, especially long distance, he made it in good time. Though, he did have to make a few pit stops to rest.

Before he left, he spent a couple of days gathering any kind of info about the hero killer. He wasn't sure why the guy was interested in him, but that was what he was going to find out. He just hoped it didn't have to do with the doctor. Based on what he found, he was pretty sure Stain wasn't associated with the doctor or the League of Villains.

Yet, something was nagging the back of his mind.

Even though he flew all the way to Hosu and left early in the morning, Guardian didn't have much daylight left. He made quick work of finding a place to crash for the night as well as get some food.

The new day came, but despite spending the whole day searching, he didn't find Stain or any sign of him. He did get some info from overhearing the people talking about the recent events. Most noticeably was that ever since Stain took out Hero Ingenium, the hero killer had stopped suddenly before he hit his usual number of attacks.

Yet, that was also why all the heroes were still on high alert. They were waiting for the hero killer to strike again. They just weren't expecting the monster attacks as well.

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It was chaos. Screams sounded everywhere, fire and explosions destroying buildings, cars, and people. Heroes were scattered, some helping civilians evacuate the area, but many were fighting the monsters that showed up out of nowhere.

Guardian flew around, helping people as he went. He knew the monsters well. Specifically, two of them. But in the short time he had been away from the doctor and his lab, the two had been fixed up from their last fight against him. The third one was a new nomu, yet the wings seemed familiar.

Some feet away, Guardian could hear a hero calling out for someone. Wondering if he could help, he went over.

"Who are you looking for? Maybe I can help?" He asked.

"Ah," the hero started. "My intern, he's in a metal costume with engines in his legs, he's Ingenium's...little brother. Damn! He probably went after him." The hero said, starting to panic a bit.

The hero didn't have time to go look for his intern, however, as one of the nomus came back to attack.

Guardian made the quick decision to fly off and search the surrounding area. He was back on searching for Stain. And he found him in an alley several streets away from all the destruction, standing over someone in a costume made of metal, and with a sword coming down onto them.

Without thinking, Guardian flew into the alley, landing so that his feet were on either side of the missing intern. His wings moved forward, blocking the sword. The figure holding the sword jumped back several feet after his sword made contact with the hardened wings.

"Hero Killer Stain, I presume," Guardian stated. He kept his wings slightly open and moved to stand in front of who he believed was the intern the hero had been looking for. From the corner of his eye, he spotted a bleeding hero leaning against the wall.

"And you are the Guardian angel that's been helping people quicker than the heroes," Stain said back. "I had planned to go find you once I was done here in Hosu, but you have come to me, it seems."

Failed NomuDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora